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A recent analysis of published studies examined a wide range of interventions that include a case manager to help individuals experiencing homelessness find stable housing. The analysis, which is published in Campbell Systematic Reviews, explored components most likely to lead to improvements in housing, health, and other outcomes.

In the analysis of 64 intervention studies and 41 implementation studies mainly from the United States and Canada, investigators found that any type of case improves homelessness outcomes for people with additional support needs. Case management increased wellbeing, at least in the short term, but there was no evidence that interventions led to improvements in employment, mental or physical health, or substance use.

Support for up to three years led to improvements in stable , and in-person meetings with a case manager appeared to be more beneficial than mixed (remote/in-person) meetings.

"This review confirms the effectiveness of case management in improving access to housing. It also goes further than previous research studies by exploring the specific features or components of the approach that are most likely to lead to benefits," said corresponding author Alison L. Weightman, Ph.D., of Cardiff University, in the UK. "With this additional knowledge, it should be possible to provide better support for people experiencing homelessness who have additional support needs."

More information: Case management interventions improve housing stability for people experiencing homelessness and the effects may be increased with intensive support, Campbell Systematic Reviews (2023). DOI: 10.1002/cl2.1329

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