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Black carbon from dust storms accelerates Himalayan glacier melt

Regional pollution is speeding up snow melt in the Indian Himalayas. That's according to a new study from an international group of scientists including Indian Institute of Technology Madras civil engineering Ph.D. student ...

Arctic cyclones could be missing link in sea ice depletion models

A new study published in Communications Earth & Environment gives possible insight into the underprediction of sea ice depletion and the formation of Arctic cyclones. Led by Steven Cavallo, a professor in the School of Meteorology ...

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Anomaly in the deep sea: Accumulation of rare atoms could improve geological dating methods
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A climate change signal in the Tropical Pacific: Research reveals models' blind spot
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Wildland fires are unpredictable—spaceborne lidar is helping reduce that uncertainty
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Scientists in Scotland develop new method to understand past and present wildfires
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Engineers design new autonomous system to monitor Arctic's melting ice
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Initiative calls for global collaboration to reconstruct climate of past 100 million years
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Ice streams move due to tiny ice quakes: Dynamics of Greenland's ice decrypted
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Q&A: What to know about the earthquakes near Santorini
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Celebrating World Pangolin Day with new genomes to aid the world's most trafficked animal
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Simulations reveal Anderson transition for light in 3D disordered systems
Climate change threatens global cocoa production: New study highlights pollination-based solutions
From collisions to stellar cannibalism—the surprising diversity of exploding white dwarfs
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Physicists uncover evidence of two arrows of time emerging from the quantum realm
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Divorce can be predicted by interactions between cultural and personal values, study finds
New radiocarbon dates establish 6,000-year time span for human remains pulled from River Thames
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Egyptian scientists use gold nanoparticles to reverse obesity-related damage in rat study
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Measuring the 'size' of a neutrino: Physicists suggest it's considerably larger than an atomic nucleus
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Greetings from the fourth dimension: Scientists glimpse 4D crystal structure using surface wave patterns
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Birds have developed complex brains independently from mammals, studies reveal
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Mighty marine fungi degrade plastic by eating it, and can be conditioned to do it faster
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Why asteroid 2024 YR4 is unlikely to hit Earth in 2032 and how scientists keep track
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Nanoparticles successfully deliver genetic material to plants via roots
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Korean team unveils fine structure of magnons for neuromorphic devices
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