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Global assessment: How to make climate adaptation a success

Climate change is forcing people to adapt to changing environmental conditions. But what really makes the difference is how they do it. The recently published "Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2024" by 73 authors shows that, ...

NOAA debuts first imagery from GOES-19

On Sept. 18, 2024, NOAA shared the first images of the Western Hemisphere from its GOES-19 satellite. The satellite's Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) instrument recently captured stunning views of Earth.

An innovative system for seeing into the bowels of a volcano

A team of researchers from the CNRS and the Paris Institute of Planetary Physics has developed an innovative imaging method that can probe the bowels of a volcano with unparalleled resolution and depth. This new method is ...

Projections show future droughts could be longer than expected

The average longest periods of drought could be ten days longer by the end of the century than previously predicted by climate models, according to research published in Nature. The findings suggest that the hazards droughts ...

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Earth Sciences
An AI tool for scanning sand grains opens windows into recent time and the deep past
Earth Sciences
New algorithm rights wrongs of precipitation-type classification over Tibetan Plateau
Earth Sciences
Comprehensive model uses airborne LiDAR data to predict walking travel times with unprecedented accuracy
Earth Sciences
Contrail avoidance is less likely to damage climate by mistake than previously thought, researchers find
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Earth's greatest mass extinction 250 million years ago shows what happens when El Niño gets out of control
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Complex dynamics of 2024 M 7.6 Noto Hanto earthquake in Japan—the long-lasting swarm and its immediate foreshocks
Earth Sciences
Atmospheric lidar instrument on climate satellite enhances understanding of aerosols and clouds
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Cloud as stumbling block for the propagation of the Southern Annular Mode
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Lower shipping emissions may lead to higher global temperatures
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Study identifies superionic iron hydride as key to ultralow-velocity zones at Earth's core-mantle boundary
Earth Sciences
Unveiling soil moisture patterns with advanced navigation tech
Earth Sciences
Research highlights how global action can deliver transformative change for the planet
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Get set for more extreme weather across Australia this spring and summer, say meteorologists
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The skyscraper-sized tsunami that vibrated through the entire planet and no one saw
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The UK and Ireland's climate was tropical 26 million years ago—here's why that matters now
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Climate change is accelerating extreme melting in Greenland with global impacts, says study
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Deep underground flooding beneath hot springs: A potential trigger for the 1995 Kobe earthquake
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Antarctic research finds exceptional warm air intrusions and omnipresent aerosol layers in the stratosphere
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Climate change-triggered landslide unleashes a 650-foot mega-tsunami
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Geoscientists detect rapid uplift at unique volcano in Tanzania

Other news

Astronomers' new technique measures temperature of a star with high precision
Planetary Sciences
New study uncovers unexpected interaction between Mars and the solar wind
10,000-year-old human DNA provides insights into South African population history
Mussel-inspired adhesive comes unglued on command
Volcanoes may help reveal interior heat on Jupiter moon
Condensed Matter
Topological quantum computers a step closer with new method to 'split' electrons
Fossil site in Massachusetts reveals 320-million-year-old ecosystem
Social Sciences
Learning mindset could be key to addressing medical students' alarming burnout
Analytical Chemistry
AI model can reveal the structures of crystalline materials
Plants & Animals
Buzz-pollinating bees shake pollen loose with rapid vibrations and biting, study shows
Cell & Microbiology
The mystery of human wrinkles: What do the cells say?
Cell & Microbiology
Researchers uncover why cells struggle to fully change identity in reprogramming efforts
Plants & Animals
How do coexisting animals find enough to eat? Biologists unlock insights into foraging habits in Yellowstone
Observations provide crucial insights into the nature of a white dwarf–brown dwarf binary
Analytical Chemistry
Visible-light-antenna ligand enhances samarium-catalyzed reactions
General Physics
Findings hint at a superfluid phase in ²⁹F and ²⁸O
Analytical Chemistry
Advances in hydrogen research: More efficient isotope separation in sight
Cell & Microbiology
First-of-its kind tool allows scientists to manipulate cells without touching them
Political science
Study suggests political ideology is associated with differences in brain structure, but less so than previously thought
Plants & Animals
Genetic tracing at the Huanan Seafood market further supports COVID animal origins