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Trilobite fossils from upstate New York reveal 'extra' set of legs

A new study finds that a trilobite species with exceptionally well-preserved fossils from upstate New York has an additional set of legs underneath its head. The research, led by the American Museum of Natural History and ...

AI-based technique speeds up the analysis of fossils

Queensland Museum and James Cook University scientists are using AI to unlock the mysteries of our fossil past. The scientists have developed an AI-based technique that has sped up the analysis of fossils, taking a months-long ...

Three new ancestors added to Tasmanian tiger's storyline

Eighty-eight years ago today, the last of the Tasmanian tigers, also known as the Thylacine, died in the Beaumaris Zoo in Hobart. Now scientists are adding three of its oldest ancestors to its evolutionary tree.

Mysterious 50-million-year-old fish to get a new genus

A pair of paleontologists, one with the Museum für Naturkunde, in Germany, the other from the Università degli Studi di Torino, in Italy, has found new evidence that an ancient fish, which has defied categorization for ...

What fur development can tell us about our ancient ancestors

When the hot summer weather kicks in you may find yourself feeling concerned about furry pets and other animals we live close by to. But fur and hair are ancient adaptations that allowed human ancestors to develop more active ...

More news

Paleontology & Fossils
Qunkasaura: New sauropod dinosaur from the Cretaceous discovered in the Iberian Peninsula
Paleontology & Fossils
A tiny relative of the Triceratops: International team discovers a new horned dinosaur
Molecular & Computational biology
Chemists explain why dinosaur collagen may have survived for millions of years
Plants & Animals
Tropical plants discovered in Tasmania's ancient Polar Forest
Paleontology & Fossils
Kākāpō, not kiwi, are the true ancient species of Aotearoa, say paleontologists
Fungus gnat entombed in a 40-million-year-old piece of amber is a rare gem
Paleontology & Fossils
Ancient sea cow that was attacked by both a primeval crocodile and shark sheds new light on prehistoric food chains
Plant-eating dinosaurs evolved backup teeth to eat tough food, research reveals
Darwin's fear was unjustified: Study suggests fossil record gaps not a major issue
Paleontology & Fossils
Matching dinosaur footprints found on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean
Paleontology & Fossils
Paleontologists discover new predatory dinosaur with a distinctive 'eyebrow'
Paleontology & Fossils
Paleontologists describe new examples of giant sea scorpions from the Silurian and Devonian in New South Wales
Fossil hotspots in Africa obscure a more complete picture of human evolution, study says
Heterogeneous occurrence of evergreen broad-leaved forests revealed by plant fossils in East Asia
Understanding of early life ecosystems sheds light on evolution of life on Earth
Plants & Animals
Review of 400 years of scientific literature corrects the Dodo extinction record
Paleontology & Fossils
In Mississippi, discovery of elephant fossil from the ice age provides window into the past
Characterizing the impact of 700 years of Inuvialuit subsistence hunting on beluga whales
Plants & Animals
New species of extinct walrus-like mammal discovered in the North Atlantic
Findings reveal eurypterids evolved giant size independently at least nine times

Other news

Why petting your cat leads to static electricity
Astronomers discover biggest ever seen black hole jets, which blast hot plasma well beyond their own host galaxy
New research reveals that America's oldest tombstone came from Belgium and belonged to an English knight
New kit makes classroom CRISPR experiments affordable and accessible
Astronomers detect hundreds of supernova remnants using novel method
New cosmic distance catalog could unlock the mysteries of universe formation
Webb Telescope provides another look into galactic collisions
Earth Sciences
Geoscientists confirm 'dripping' of Earth's crust beneath Türkiye's Central Anatolian Plateau
Plasma Physics
Tracking plasma progression in a picosecond: Physicists develop ultra-fast laser method to study high-density plasmas
General Physics
LHC experiments observe quantum entanglement at the highest energy yet
Social Sciences
Moving as one: Discovering how synchronous movements strengthen social bonds
South African rock art possibly inspired by long-extinct species, suggests research
Plants & Animals
Another new wasp species discovered by researchers
2D silk protein layers on graphene pave the way for advanced microelectronics and computing
Social Sciences
Can toddlers help explain the origins of our bias for wealth?
General Physics
Ocean waves grow way beyond known limits, new research finds
Quantum Physics
Researchers simplify design of optical atomic clocks without compromising performance
Nature-inspired patterns boost polymer toughness
Propagated corals reveal increased resistance to bleaching across the Caribbean during the fatal heat wave of 2023
Magnifying deep space through the 'Carousel Lens'—rare alignment offers unique opportunity to study cosmology