The iPad mini may not be the only major new product Apple announces this month.

A new report by 9 to 5 Mac's Mark Gurman says the Cupertino, Calif., tech giant also plans to announce a 13-inch MacBook Pro with high-resolution Retina display, expanding the company's catalog of Retina-enabled products. It already offers a 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display.

The report says Apple will introduce the 13-inch Pro with Retina at the rumored Oct. 23 mini event.

The 13-inch laptop is expected to be thinner and lighter than its non-Retina counterparts, and it is also expected to be available in two versions, with one having a better processor and more storage.

If Apple follows what they did with the 15-inch model, which came out this summer, then the 13-inch model is not likely to have an .

Analysts have been saying for quite some time that they expect a 13-inch Retina model. And now that it's been reported by Gurman, who was the first to report on the 15-inch Retina rollout, it seems very likely Apple will also deliver on the 13-inch version soon.