Carbon tax could lower emissions and GST

A new, powerful way of modelling the impact of carbon pricing has been developed by University of Auckland doctoral researcher Sina Mashinchi. It shows how a carbon tax targeting emissions-intensive industries, along with ...

New planes could cut aviation carbon emissions

Policies that encourage airlines to replace the old planes in their fleet with newer models could lead to substantial cuts in aviation carbon emissions, according to new research.

Carbon regulation burden heaviest on poor

The heaviest burden for climate change regulation costs falls on people – especially lower income groups – and not corporations, according to new Stanford research.

Political uncertainty clouds future of energy

Researchers from Murdoch University are investigating how the Federal Government's efforts to repeal the carbon tax are affecting investments in Australia's energy sector.Lead researcher and PhD candidate Matt Shahnazari ...

China set for carbon pricing

As Australia moves to scrap its pioneering carbon-pricing scheme, China is expected to have seven pilot pricing systems in place no later than 2015, followed by a national scheme, according to a new survey from The Australian ...

Software zeros in on carbon pollution

Local researchers are developing an online tool that would allow farmers to monitor their greenhouse gas emissions and virtually test ways to reduce carbon pollution.

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