
Researchers develop new approach to conserving tree species

Globally, forest trees are increasingly at risk from habitat destruction, pests and disease, and a changing climate. But the guidelines for effective preservation of a tree species' genetic diversity and adaptive potential ...

New colour-generation mechanism discovered in 'rainbow' weevil

Researchers from Yale-NUS College and the University of Fribourg in Switzerland have discovered a novel colour-generation mechanism in nature, which if harnessed, has the potential to create cosmetics and paints with purer ...

Artificial anti-oxidant may be the next go-to supplement

Naturally-derived anti-oxidants have become the 'it' health ingredient to look for in food. But researchers from UBC Okanagan and the University of Bologna have discovered that TEMPO—a well-known artificial anti-oxidant—is ...

New research unravels the mysteries of deep soil carbon

Energy-starved microbes may be the force that causes huge amounts of carbon to be stored in deep soils, according to a Dartmouth College study. The research finds that less food energy at depth makes it more difficult to ...

The benefits of prison chess clubs

Chess is a cheap and tactical game, and is claimed to develop the part of the brain responsible for planning, judgement and self control, and even to help prevent dementia. So it's no wonder that thousands of prisoners in ...

Chemists accelerated vinyl sulphides reaction 10 times

A team of scientists created and tested a more efficient catalyst for obtaining vinyl sulphides. These compounds may be used for the development of new materials and stabilization of gold and silver nanoparticles. The article ...

Where to place a rainwater harvesting system

On any given day, Zoubaida Salman instructs a classroom of 15-year-olds at the Sur Baher Girls School in East Jerusalem, where she has served as the science teacher and Environment and Health Coordinator for the past 22 years. ...

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