Rapid intensification of global struggle for land

The earth's limited surface is expected to stretch to everything: food for soon to be nine billion people, feed for our beef cattle and fowl, fuel for our cars, forests for our paper, cotton for our clothes. What is more, ...

Cisco raises bid for Tandberg to $3.4 billion

(AP) -- Cisco Systems Inc. said Monday it raised its bid for Norway's Tandberg ASA after only a fraction of Tandberg shareholders agreed to Cisco's initial offer.

Divest from fossil fuels, plead faith leaders

Faith group leaders, supported by Nobel Peace Prize laureates Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama, called Thursday on sovereign wealth and pension funds to pull out from fossil fuel investments.

SK Telecom named as preferred bidder for Hynix

South Korea's top mobile carrier SK Telecom has been selected as preferred bidder for a controlling stake in Hynix Semiconductor, the world's number two memory chip maker, creditors said Friday.

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