News tagged with amphetamine


Amphetamine (USAN, abbreviated from alpha-methylphenethylamine) or amfetamine (INN) is a psychostimulant drug of the phenethylamine class which produces increased wakefulness and focus in association with decreased fatigue and appetite.

Brand names of medications that contain, or metabolize into, amphetamine include Adderall, Dexedrine, Dextrostat, Desoxyn, ProCentra, and Vyvanse, as well as Benzedrine in the past.

The drug is also used recreationally and as a performance enhancer. Recreational users of amphetamine have coined numerous street names for amphetamine, such as "speed". The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction reports the typical retail price of diluted amphetamine in Europe varied between €3 and €15 ($4 to $21.55 USD) a gram in half of the reporting countries. Racemic amphetamine on the street is typically about 10% pure.

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