This image from NASA TV shows the Space Shuttle Atlantis doing it's fly around passing behind the Russian segment of the International Space Station shortly after undocking from the International Space Station early Wednesday Nov. 25, 2009. The Poisk can be seen at right. The shuttle is scheduled to land at the Kennedy Space Center, Friday morning. The (AP Photo/NASA)

(AP) -- Space shuttle Atlantis' astronauts will spend Thanksgiving checking their ship for the ride home.

The shuttle and its crew of seven are aiming for a Friday morning landing at NASA's Florida spaceport. Good weather is forecast.

The astronauts will test Atlantis' flight systems Thursday morning, take questions from TV reporters and then settle down to a holiday meal.

Commander Charles Hobaugh didn't want anything special, so the crew is making do with what's left in the pantry. Thursday's menu includes barbecue beef brisket for some, chicken fajitas for others, and even sweet and sour pork.

Atlantis left the on Wednesday. The shuttle dropped off tons of big spare parts.

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