The Web site has launched a new service to help reunite victims of Hurricane Katrina with their pets.

Petfinder said Tuesday its Animal Emergency Response Network links databases that will allow victims to check various locations where displaced pets are being housed and post photos and descriptions of missing animals.

A unique feature allows evacuees to post notes to rescue crews on where to look for a missing pet -- under a bed or perhaps hiding in a closet -- as they methodically make their way through abandoned neighborhoods and homes.

The site can be reached at and is the result of a collaborative effort among the various volunteer groups that are taking care of dogs, cats and other critters rescued from flooded Gulf Coast storm areas.

Betsy Saul, president of, said in a release, "Already there are thousands of postings on our site from volunteers, rescuers and affected families, all with the common goal of helping each pet reunite with its family."

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