
NASA finds Tropical Storm Matmo consolidating off Vietnam coast

NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite captured an image of Tropical Storm Matmo as it developed in the South China Sea, off the coast of Vietnam. The storm is expected to make a landfall in central southeastern Vietnam later on ...

Microrobots clean up radioactive waste

According to some experts, nuclear power holds great promise for meeting the world's growing energy demands without generating greenhouse gases. But scientists need to find a way to remove radioactive isotopes, both from ...

The secrets behind a creepy photographic technique

In the 1960s, a French artist named Jean-Pierre Sudre began experimenting with an obscure 19th-century photographic process, creating dramatic black-and-white photographs with ethereal veiling effects. Sudre christened the ...

Smog-plagued Warsaw to limit access by car, coal heating

Authorities in smog-plagued Warsaw revealed plans Wednesday to further limit car access to the city center, cut down on coal heating in private homes and expand green areas in a drive to improve the city's air quality.

Will lithium-air batteries ever take flight?

Amid growing climate concerns, many governments and scientists worldwide are trying to reduce air travel's environmental impact. Electric planes are a possible solution, but better batteries are needed to power large aircraft ...

A stretchable stopwatch lights up human skin

Imagine a runner who doesn't need to carry a stopwatch or cell phone to check her time: She could just gaze at the glowing stopwatch display on the back of her hand. Such human-machine interfaces are no longer science fiction, ...

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