
From dried cod to tissue sample preservation

Could human tissue samples be dried for storage, instead of being frozen? Researchers are looking at the salt cod industry for a potential tissue sample drying technology that could save money without sacrificing tissue quality.

Scientists discover bacteria's clever defence mechanism

Scientists have uncovered important new information about how bacteria grow and multiply, potentially leading to the discovery of much-needed new antibiotic drugs. Using Diamond Light Source – the UK's synchrotron science ...

A novel method for identifying the body's 'noisiest' networks

(Phys.org) —A team of scientists led by Yale University systems biologist and biomedical engineer Andre Levchenko has developed a novel method for mapping the biochemical variability, or "noise," in how human cells respond ...

Spooky alignment of quasars across billions of light-years

Quasars are galaxies with very active supermassive black holes at their centres. These black holes are surrounded by spinning discs of extremely hot material that is often spewed out in long jets along their axes of rotation. ...

Protein-engineered cages aid studies of cell functions

Carbon monoxide (CO) plays an important role in cell functions, by signalling responses that counteract inflammation, and cell growth and death. As a result, researchers have been in pursuit of molecules that release CO into ...

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