
New threat revealed for baby turtles

New research has revealed that marine turtle hatchlings entering the ocean close to jetties have a high likelihood of being eaten.

Early in vitro testing for adverse effects on embryos

ETH researchers have combined embryonic cells and liver cells in a new cell culture test. This combination lets them detect adverse effects that new medications may have on embryos early on in the drug development process.

Homegrown hydroponics project spreads around the world

The idea began when UConn junior Christian Heiden '20 (ENG) was working on his Eagle Scout project in high school. It has developed into a non-profit organization that is helping the poor of Haiti and inspiring the curiosity ...

Study unlocks secrets of an elusive genome compartment

Although much of the human genome has been sequenced and assembled, scientists have hit roadblocks trying to map unassembled regions of DNA that consist mostly of repetitive sequences, including the centromere.

Study: Treats might mask animal intelligence

Rewards are necessary for learning, but may actually mask true knowledge, finds a new Johns Hopkins University study with rodents and ferrets.

Turning off growth to make flowers grow

The beautiful colors and smells of flowers serve a much greater purpose than just decoration. Flowers contain the plant's reproductive organs, and those same colors and smells that make a room beautiful also attract bees ...

Radioisotope couple for tumor diagnosis and therapy

Researchers at Kanazawa University report in ACS Omega a promising combination of radioisotope-carrying molecules for use in radiotheranostics—a diagnosis and treatment approach based on the combination of medical imaging ...

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