
Image: Hurricane Ophelia

The Copernicus Sentinel-3A satellite captured this image on 11 October 2017, when Hurricane Ophelia was about 1300 km southwest of the Azores islands and some 2000 km off the African coast.

First light for the PEPSI polarimeters

Thanks to a cleverly designed "two-in-one" instrument attached to the world's most powerful telescope, astronomers can extract more clues about the properties of distant stars or exoplanets than previously possible.

A single photon reveals quantum entanglement of 16 million atoms

Quantum theory predicts that a vast number of atoms can be entangled and intertwined by a very strong quantum relationship, even in a macroscopic structure. Until now, however, experimental evidence has been mostly lacking, ...

How molecular riboswitches work in bacteria

Many bacteria have molecular control elements via which they can switch genes on and off. These riboswitches also open up new options in the development of antibiotics or the detection and decomposition of environmental toxins. ...

3-D printing of aircraft parts out of titanium

Physicists from Tomsk Polytechnic University are currently working to create hydrogen-resistant products out of titanium alloys based on additive manufacturing. The production of metal products using the technology ensures ...

Cold molecules on collision course

How do chemical reactions proceed at extremely low temperatures? The answer requires the investigation of molecular samples that are cold, dense, and slow at the same time. Scientists around Dr. Martin Zeppenfeld from the ...

Uber files appeal against London ban

Uber on Friday filed its appeal against a decision by London authorities not to renew its licence, the US ride-hailing company said.

Bayer sells crop science units to ease Monsanto takeover

Germany's Bayer said Friday it would sell parts of its agrichemical business to rival BASF, kick-starting a competitor in the seeds market even as it clears the way for its mammoth takeover of US-based Monsanto.

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