
China's biodiversity declines as human demands grow

Since 1970, China's terrestrial vertebrates have declined by half, while the nation's Ecological Footprint has more than doubled, reveals WWF's Living Planet Report China, 2015, a flagship research report on the country's ...

Urban gardens and human health

Researchers from UPM the assess the human health risk of exposure to metals in urban gardens by assessing their oral bioaccessibility.

Timing is everything for renewable energy use

As the world prepares for the UN climate talks in Paris later this month, researchers warn that there's no time to waste in shifting to renewable energy sources if we are to avoid dangerous climate change. That's especially ...

How can engineers make steel that doesn't baulk at hydrogen?

For over 100 years engineers have known that hydrogen can cause metals to become incredibly brittle, but they've been able to do little to protect against it. Now, Oxford University researchers are working on a large collaborative ...

Rubidium atoms used as a refrigerant for ytterbium atoms

For many years rubidium has been a workhorse in the investigation of ultracold atoms.  Now JQI scientists are using Rb to cool another species, ytterbium, an element prized for its possible use in advanced optical clocks ...

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