
Big data's deluge in higher ed

As college students click, swipe and tap through their daily lives – both in the classroom and outside of it – they're creating a digital footprint of how they think, learn and behave that boggles the mind.

US police lineups are better at catching criminals than UK ones

Ted Bundy was suspected of a string of kidnappings, rapes, and murders in the US. Police placed him in a lineup to see if an eyewitness to kidnappings in the Lake Sammamish area near Seattle would identify him. She did not ...

MEPhI helps to create memory nanoelements for satellites

Scientists of MEPhI Institute of functional nuclear electronics ( and the University of Georgia have developed a new technology for creation of magnetic memory elements of nanometer sizes for astronomical and military equipment. ...

How will Facebook Live challenge privacy law?

In July, videos of the fatal police shootings of Alton Sterling—a black man in Louisiana—and Philando Castile—a black man in Minnesota—went viral on social media. The immediate aftermath of the Castile shooting was ...

After-hours email expectations hurt employee well-being

Earlier this year, France passed a labor reform law that banned checking emails on weekends. New research—to be presented next week at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management—suggests other countries might do ...

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