
Solar Orbiter crosses the Earth-sun line as it heads for the sun

The ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter spacecraft is speeding towards its historic first close pass of the sun. On 14 March, the spacecraft will pass the orbit of Mercury, the scorched inner planet of our solar system, and on 26 March ...

Changes in bird behavior linked to climate change

A new study from researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) rolls back the curtain on half a century of evidence detailing the impact of climate change on more than 60 different bird species.

'Chemical recycling' of plastic slammed by environmental group

Most plastic "advanced recycling" plants in the United States aren't actually recycling plastic but instead converting it into a dirty fuel, while producing toxic waste in low-income communities, a study by a leading environmental ...

Los Angeles suing Monsanto for chemicals in waterways

Chemical company Monsanto found itself in the horns of yet another lawsuit Monday, as Los Angeles sued the firm for allegedly knowingly polluting waterways in one of the biggest cities in the United States.

Gene-edited beef cattle get regulatory clearance in US

U.S. regulators on Monday cleared the way for the sale of beef from gene-edited cattle in coming years after the Food and Drug Administration concluded the animals do not raise any safety concerns.

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