
Rethink immigration policy for STEM doctorates

A streamlined process for awarding green cards to international STEM doctoral students graduating from U.S. universities could benefit American innovation and competitiveness, including leveling the field for startups eager ...

Solar system formation in two steps

An international team of researchers from the University of Oxford, LMU Munich, ETH Zurich, BGI Bayreuth, and the University of Zurich discovered that a two-step formation process of the early Solar System can explain the ...

Researchers develop new graphene nanochannel water filters

When sheets of two-dimensional nanomaterials like graphene are stacked on top of each other, tiny gaps form between the sheets that have a wide variety of potential uses. In research published in the journal Nature Communications, ...

As oceans warm, large fish struggle

Warming ocean waters could reduce the ability of fish, especially large ones, to extract the oxygen they need from their environment. Animals require oxygen to generate energy for movement, growth and reproduction. In a recent ...

'Fact-checkers' proposed for Nobel peace prize

With truth famously known as the "first casualty of war," a Norwegian parliamentarian announced Thursday that she is nominating "fact-checkers" for this year's Nobel Peace Prize.

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