
Origins of landmark hymn book identified

The editors of a tiny 165-year-old pamphlet, believed to be the world's only surviving copy of a Chartist hymn book, have been identified.

Potential benefits of inertial fusion energy justify continued R&D

The potential benefits of successful development of an inertial confinement fusion-based energy technology justify investment in fusion energy research and development as part of the long-term U.S. energy R&D portfolio, says ...

Molecules assemble in water, hint at origins of life

(Phys.org)—The base pairs that hold together two pieces of RNA, the older cousin of DNA, are some of the most important molecular interactions in living cells. Many scientists believe that these base pairs were part of ...

New imaging device that is flexible, flat, and transparent

(Phys.org)—Digital cameras, medical scanners, and other imaging technologies have advanced considerably during the past decade. Continuing this pace of innovation, an Austrian research team has developed an entirely new ...

New technology in the magnetic cooling of chips

Researchers from CICnanoGUNE and the University of Cambridge have developed a new technology in the magnetic cooling of chips based on the straining of materials. Compared with the current technologies, this advance enables ...

New taxonomy of platinum nanoclusters

The unexpected diversity of metallic nanoclusters' inner structure has now been catalogued into families. Physicists have gained new insights into the inner intricacies of the structural variations of metallic nanoclusters. ...

A cool discovery about the Sun's next-door twin

(Phys.org)—ESA's Herschel space observatory has detected a cool layer in the atmosphere of Alpha Centauri A, the first time this has been seen in a star beyond our own Sun. The finding is not only important for understanding ...

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