
Convergent mechanism of aging discovered

Several different causes of aging have been discovered, but the question remains whether there are common underlying mechanisms that determine aging and lifespan. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing ...

How long-known genes continue to surprise researchers

The human genome was sequenced around 20 years ago. Since then, the sequence information encoding our proteins is known—at least in principle. However, this information is not continuously stored in the individual genes, ...

Particles with 'eyes' allow a closer look at rotational dynamics

Colloids—mixtures of particles made from one substance, dispersed in another substance—crop up in numerous areas of everyday life, including cosmetics, food and dyes, and form important systems within our bodies. Understanding ...

Bacteria used to clean diesel-polluted soil in Greenland

Diesel-polluted soil from now-defunct military outposts in Greenland can be remediated using naturally occurring soil bacteria, according to an extensive five-year experiment in Mestersvig, East Greenland, to which the University ...

Early encounter of microbes and the fetal immune system

The human fetal immune system begins to develop early during gestation, however, factors responsible for fetal immune-priming remain elusive. Using multiple complementary approaches, Dr. Florent Ginhoux from A*STAR's Singapore ...

Ozone pollution has increased in Antarctica

Ozone is a pollutant at ground level, but very high in the atmosphere's "ozone layer," it absorbs damaging ultraviolet radiation. Past studies have examined ozone levels in the Southern Hemisphere, but little is known about ...

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