
How cGAS enzyme is kept bottled up

In higher organisms, detection of DNA in the cytoplasm triggers an immune reaction. The enzyme that senses "misplaced" DNA is also found in the nucleus, but nuclear DNA has no such effect. LMU researchers now report why that ...

China is building a floating spaceport for rocket launches

In the near future, launch facilities located at sea are expected to be a lot more common. SpaceX announced that it is hoping to create offshore facilities in the near future for the sake of launching the Starship away from ...

Reducing, reusing and recycling mining waste

Two approaches using existing low cost and low energy technologies to accelerate carbonation have demonstrated significant carbon capture over a very short period and the formation of carbonate minerals.

Netflix: A zebra among horses

Netflix is often criticized as a Hollywood-style entertainment behemoth crushing all competition and diminishing local content but a QUT academic says that's a simplistic view.

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