
Survival for some endangered species hinges on 'Frozen Zoo'

Whenever an endangered animal dies at the San Diego Zoo, researchers race out, regardless of the hour, to remove its sperm or eggs, maybe a bit of ear or eyeball, and carefully freeze the cells in liquid nitrogen.

Fear of missing out drives net addiction in Japan

For Japanese teenager Sumire, chatting with friends while she sits in the bath or even on the toilet is nothing out of the ordinary. An ever-present smartphone means she, like much of her generation, is plugged in 24-7—to ...

Big US defense blimp stirs privacy jitters

On a crisp winter's day, a tethered blimp almost as big as a football field slowly rises into the blue Maryland sky, casting its radar eye over greater Washington and well beyond.

Is climate change fuelling war?

For years, scientists and security analysts have warned that global warming looms as a potential source of war and unrest.

IBM sues Priceline over patents

IBM is suing Priceline over a set of patents that the century-old technology firm says have been vital to the relative newcomer's success.

Foreign companies feel China targets them in investigations

Nearly half of foreign companies in China feel singled out in a wave of anti-monopoly and other investigations, and a growing number are deciding not to expand their investments, the American Chamber of Commerce in China ...

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