
Vega to launch ESA's wind mission

Today, ESA and Arianespace signed a contract to secure the launch of the Aeolus satellite. With this milestone, a better understanding of Earth's winds is another step closer.

How fungi help trees tolerate drought

In the transcriptome—the set of its messenger RNA molecules that reflects actual biochemical activity by the organism—of the most common ectomycorrhizal fungus Cenococcum geophilum, a team including DOE JGI researchers ...

Incubating climate change

A group of James Cook University scientists led by Emeritus Professor Ross Alford has designed and built an inexpensive incubator that could boost research into how animals and plants will be affected by climate change.

Sound-proof metamaterial inspired by spider webs

(Phys.org)—Spider silk is well-known for its unusual combination of being both lightweight and extremely strong—in some cases, stronger than steel. Due to these properties, researchers have been developing spider-silk-inspired ...

Hubble views a cosmic oyster and pearl in NGC 1501

The world is your oyster, as the expression goes – and the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, with its advanced instruments and favourable location in orbit above Earth's atmosphere, has far more of the Universe to explore ...

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