
Gaia checks out of antenna testing

(Phys.org) -- Entombed by the distinctive foam pyramids typical of test chambers, the main antenna of the Gaia billion-star surveyor has been put through its paces ahead of launch next year.

Book details a new model for sharing water

From the American Southwest to the Middle East, water is a highly contested resource: Many neighboring nations, and several states in the United States, have fought decades-long battles to control water supplies. And that ...

Scientists probe yeast's ability to protect tree nuts

(Phys.org) -- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists have moved a step closer to understanding the underlying mechanisms that enable a helpful yeast to disable a mold that attacks tree nuts such as almonds, pistachios, ...

Calcium carbonate templates for drug delivery

(Phys.org) -- The fast and targeted delivery of drugs to the focus of a disease could soon be made easier. Helmuth Möhwald and his colleagues from the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Golm, Potsdam, ...

Not all animal traps are equal

(Phys.org) -- Large differences in the performance of spring traps used to kill mice, rats and moles, indicate considerable scope for improving the humaneness of such traps, and suggest that incentives are needed for manufacturers ...

Physics puts new lens on major eye disease

It’s not easy for a theoretical physicist and an ophthalmologist to see eye-to-eye. But a collaboration between the two at Emory University proved worth the effort, sparking a new insight into the leading cause of blindness ...

Three-city patent court gets nod from EU leaders

(Phys.org) -- A one-stop panEuropean patent court system with functions divided among three cities is now in the wings, bringing Europe a new day for a single European patent system. After a decision left dangling over arguments ...

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