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Sweden seeks to be winemaking's next frontier

Far north of iconic wine regions like Bordeaux and Tuscany, Sweden is seeing a burgeoning industry of vineyards and a first generation of winemakers trying to carve out a niche.

Bat evolution study supports gliding-to-flying hypothesis

In new research published in PeerJ, researchers from the University of Washington, University of Texas at Austin and Oregon Institute of Technology, led by undergraduate student Abby Burtner, have advanced our understanding ...

Scientists assess how large dinosaurs could really get

A new study by Dr. Jordan Mallon of the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, Canada and Dr. David Hone of Queen Mary University of London, U.K., looks at the maximum possible sizes of dinosaurs. It is published in the journal ...

Research shows the ocean is becoming too loud for oysters

Baby oysters rely on natural acoustic cues to settle in specific environments, but new research from the University of Adelaide reveals that noise from human activity is interfering with this critical process.

More news

Molecular & Computational biology
Using AI, bird flu study shows greater antibody evasion in newer H5N1 strains
Better management of the Australian seafood industry can create resilience to food shocks
Novel biosensor could enable fast, precise disease diagnosis and prevention
From trash to treasure: Machine learning enhances organic waste recycling
Molecular & Computational biology
Researchers discover robust link between meat production and zoonotic disease outbreaks in Asia
Plants & Animals
When it comes to butterflies, people prefer pretty ones: That's a problem for scientists.
Plants & Animals
Seabirds are threatened by trawl fisheries, study finds
Plants & Animals
Russia's war in Ukraine has been devastating for animals—but they've also given the nation reason for hope
Plants & Animals
Biologists discover human-infecting parasite produces sterile soldiers like ants and termites
Silkworms and shrimp may help regenerate damaged skin and bone
Plants & Animals
Researchers record first-ever images and data of a shark being struck by a boat
Plants & Animals
Komodo dragons have teeth coated in iron to kill prey, study finds
Cell & Microbiology
Blue light could kill at least 99% of bacteria linked to dog ear infections, new research shows
Plants & Animals
New way to analyze riblet denticles on modern great white sharks sheds light on swimming speed
Plants & Animals
Wild raccoons are flexible learners, puzzle box study shows
Telomere-to-telomere genome assembly research opens the door to new crop varieties
Cell & Microbiology
Method can analyze individual, still-living cells that may contain biomarkers for cancer and other deadly diseases
Molecular & Computational biology
Simulations reveal mechanism behind dynamic fish schooling
How biodiversity is changing in one of the world's most productive ocean ecosystems
The flickering glow of summer's fireflies: too important to lose, too small to notice them gone

Other news

General Physics
Exciting the alpha particle: International team validates helium-4 transition calculations
Optics & Photonics
Nonreciprocal interactions go nonlinear: Non-Hermitian dynamics observed in coupled nanoparticles
General Physics
Escaping kinetic traps: How molecular interactions make it possible to overcome the energy barrier
Planetary Sciences
Geoscientists narrow timing of enormous 'magmatic event' on the moon more precisely
Planetary Sciences
Carbon oxides on Uranus' moon Ariel hint at hidden ocean, Webb telescope reveals
Rock art and archaeological record reveal man's complex relationship with Amazonian animals
Quantum Physics
Optimization algorithm successfully computes the ground state of interacting quantum matter
Condensed Matter
Save your data on printable magnetic devices? New laser technique's twist might make this reality
Analytical Chemistry
Photocatalyst research uncovers better way to produce green hydrogen
Quantum Physics
An MRI-like tool for quantum materials: Sensor can detect minute magnetic fields at atomic scale
Dark matter flies ahead of normal matter in mega galaxy cluster collision
Planetary Sciences
Webb images nearest super-Jupiter, opening a new window to exoplanet research
Chemical analyses find hidden elements from renaissance astronomer Tycho Brahe's alchemy laboratory
Analytical Chemistry
Chemists reveal how Rembrandt combined special pigments for golden details of 'The Night Watch'
Earth Sciences
New research underscores the close relationship between Saharan dust and hurricane rainfall
Planetary Sciences
Roadmap details how to improve exoplanet exploration using the James Webb Space Telescope
Earth Sciences
Nationwide flood models poorly reflect risks to households and properties, study finds
Analytical Chemistry
A 'volcano-type' relationship: Research reveals novel correlation between metal loading and acidic oxygen evolution
Space Exploration
NASA streams first 4K video from aircraft to space station and back
Earth Sciences
Southern Ocean absorbing more CO₂ than previously thought, study finds

Scientists slow down fast-acting brain protein to capture images

New groundbreaking images of one of the brain's fastest-acting proteins are providing critical clues that may lead to the development of targeted therapies to treat epilepsy and other brain disorders. The findings are published ...

How a deadly strain of salmonella fine-tunes its infection tactics

Disease-causing microbes have evolved sophisticated strategies for invading the body, flourishing in often hostile environments and evading immune defenses. In a new study, Professor Cheryl Nickerson, her Arizona State University ...