Sweet success: Researchers crack sugarcane's complex genetic code

Modern hybrid sugarcane is one of the most harvested crops on the planet, used to make products including sugar, molasses, bioethanol, and bio-based materials. It also has one of the most complex genetic blueprints.

Is there a new deep-sea fishery on the horizon?

The world's oceans contain huge volumes of unexploited resource species living at depths between 200 and 1,000 meters in the so-called mesopelagic zone. They have the potential to provide humans with valuable resources such ...

Farm-bred octopus: A benefit to the species or an act of cruelty?

Sandwiched here between the Pacific Ocean and Kona Airport—atop a dusty volcanic desert—dozens of 50-gallon water tanks gurgle and bubble away; each home to a solitary, wild-caught octopus and a couple of floating, plastic ...

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