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The unintended consequences of success against malaria

For decades, insecticide-treated bed nets and indoor insecticide spraying regimens have been important—and widely successful—treatments against mosquitoes that transmit malaria, a dangerous global disease. Yet for a time, ...

Study shows egg-laying mammals are unique, inside and out

The identification of a key gene in monotremes has increased our understanding of why the stomachs of platypuses and echidnas are atypically small, non-acidic, and, in the instance of platypuses, lack a pyloric sphincter.

More news

Smart guide RNAs: Researchers use logic gate-based decision-making to construct circuits that control genes
Carbon dating: Developing a measurement tool for a 23-year-old cold case
The silent spreader: Reassessing the role of mice in leptospirosis risk
Boosting plant health: The role of gene exchange with bacteria
Plants & Animals
Colombia orchid sanctuary collects and clones endangered species
Woodchip bioreactor helps reduce pesticide run-off from horticulture greenhouses
Counter-drug strategies in Central America are worsening deforestation, threatening many species of birds
Plants & Animals
Lethal bird flu could decimate Oceania's birds—from vigilance to vaccines, here's what Australia is doing to prepare
Plants & Animals
Systematic monitoring: Gray wolf autopsy findings since the species' comeback to Germany
Cell & Microbiology
Consortium offers perspectives on large cellular models and the future of AI-driven biological research
Plants & Animals
Now entering their adult phase, spotted lanternflies are headed into their invasive peak
Off Ecuador's Galapagos, a former shark-poaching ship's new mission
Molecular & Computational biology
New rapid method for determining virus infectivity
Cell & Microbiology
Ciliated eukaryotes study offers simple, versatile method for tubulin staining
Cell & Microbiology
Discovery of Piezo1's new signaling mechanism may aid search for better pain and itch treatments
Octopus and squid pigments enhance sunscreen without harming the environment, researchers say
Nanoscopic imaging aids in understanding protein, tissue preservation in ancient bones
Team develops a technique to detect nutrients in soil faster and more affordably
Paleontology & Fossils
Museum collections indicate Central Europe was a global biodiversity hotspot 15 million years ago
Plants & Animals
Smell of human stress can affect dogs' emotions, leading them to make more pessimistic choices

Other news

Scientists try to replicate ancient butchering methods to learn how Neanderthals ate birds
Dual action antibiotic could make bacterial resistance nearly impossible
General Physics
A new way to make element 116 opens the door to heavier atoms
Optics & Photonics
Combining trapped atoms and photonics for new quantum devices
Condensed Matter
The experimental observation of a dissipative time crystal in a Rydberg gas
New extremely r-process-enhanced star detected
Earth Sciences
Uncovering the link between meltwater and groundwater in mountain regions
Optics & Photonics
New work sheds light on nonlinear encoding in diffractive optical processors based on linear materials
Social Sciences
Digital food ordering drives increased indulgence and spending, study reveals
Earth Sciences
Yellowknife study warns of unprecedented arsenic release from wildfires
Earth Sciences
New automated system provides a way to detect elusive volcanic vibrations
Hunter-gatherers kept an 'orderly home' in the earliest known British dwelling, archaeological evidence shows
Plasma Physics
Physicists uncover key to resolving long-standing inertial confinement fusion hohlraum drive deficit
Earth Sciences
Scientists say sun's influence penetrates into deep Earth
Planetary Sciences
Chinese lunar probe finds water in moon samples
Condensed Matter
Spontaneous supercrystal discovered in switching metal-insulator
Electrothermal mineralization process offers more environmentally friendly, cost-effective method for soil remediation
New 3D reconstruction method aids analysis of property-defining defects
Room-temperature defluorination method uses light to clean up forever chemicals
3D printing method reveals light emission from nanowires for the first time

How calcium reduces macrocracking in sweet cherries

Researchers at the University of Hannover have uncovered new insights into the mode of action of calcium in the reduction of macrocracking in sweet cherry fruit. The findings shed light on the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, ...

UK's rarest rainforest beetles go on multi-day 'adventures'

A new study delving into the lives of one of the UK's rarest beetles shows them to be athletes and adventurers—sometimes traveling the scaled-up equivalent of several kilometers a night in search of food and mates.

Improving crops with laser beams and 3D printing

A demonstration of how new technologies can be used in 21st century crop breeding comes from just published research that combines laser scanning and 3D printing to create a detailed 3D model of a sugar beet plant.