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Scientists discover stable intermediate of serotonin receptor

A new study published in The EMBO Journal points to new potential strategies to treat psychiatric and gastrointestinal disorders that are not well addressed by current medications. Dr. Bianca Introini and her colleagues in ...

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Biologists warn of potential errors in microRNA overexpression method
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Scientists reveal mechanism of maternal protein Pramel15 in promoting DNA demethylation in mouse zygotes
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Scientists develop new TRV vector-based method for peach gene analysis
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Genomic study illuminates mango's heritage and future
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Whole genome duplications linked to higher oil yields in key crops
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Research uncovers new strategy for salt-resistant poplar
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The apple's battle plan: Unraveling the molecular response to fungal infections
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Human mouth bacteria reproduce through rare form of cell division, research reveals
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New discovery of how bacteria navigate their environment could change how we treat infection
Geoinformatics: Using AI to take better aim against mosquitoes
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Cytophysics: How cells migrate through gaps smaller than their nucleus
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Cells use alternative splicing to regulate gene expression, research suggests
Harnessing AI to fight global deforestation
Ancient viral genomes preserved in glaciers reveal climate history—and how viruses adapt to climate change
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Unlocking exotic new beer flavors using genetics
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How fruit flies use internal representations of head direction to support goal-directed navigation
Study finds RNA molecule controls butterfly wing coloration
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Researchers identify genes for low glycemic index and high protein in rice
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AI tool maps out cell metabolism with precision
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New discoveries about how mosquitoes mate may help the fight against malaria

Other news

Planetary Sciences
Researchers prove 120-million-year-old volcanism on moon
How fish guts might play a role in future skin care products
Bat population collapse linked to increased pesticide use and more than 1,000 infant deaths
Optics & Photonics
A window into the body: New technique makes skin invisible
Virtual learning linked to rise in chronic absenteeism, study finds
Analytical Chemistry
Novel design strategy advances discovery of metal-organic frameworks
General Physics
First detection of cross-correlation between cosmic shear and X-ray background enhances baryonic matter understanding
Analytical Chemistry
Chemists create industrially important alkyl amines from dinitrogen and alkenes
New filter removes chemical contaminants from water even at very low concentrations
Analytical Chemistry
Probing the depths of complex electron shells: New insights into uranium's tricky chemistry
3D imaging allows researchers to observe degradation of micro- and nanoplastics with unprecedented detail
Space Exploration
Small, harmless asteroid burns up in Earth's atmosphere over the Philippines
Cell & Microbiology
Labs collaborate to enhance imaging tools for cell observation
Plants & Animals
Northern elephant seals use deep-sea research sonar as dinner bell
Optics & Photonics
Novel metasurface enables temperature-adaptive radiative cooling
A space oddity—small exoplanet challenges existing theories on planet formation
Condensed Matter
Adding an alternating magnetic field to layers of twisted graphene creates even more exotic properties
Replacement crop treatment not safe for important pollinator, experts say
Planetary Sciences
Astronomers discover iron winds on an ultra-hot exoplanet
Research team designs efficient bioenergy crops that need less water to grow

Computer-designed proteins guide stem cells to form blood vessels

Using computer-designed proteins, researchers have now shown they are able to direct human stem cells to form new blood vessels in the lab. This milestone in regenerative medicine offers new hope for repairing damaged hearts, ...

Scientists slow down fast-acting brain protein to capture images

New groundbreaking images of one of the brain's fastest-acting proteins are providing critical clues that may lead to the development of targeted therapies to treat epilepsy and other brain disorders. The findings are published ...

How a deadly strain of salmonella fine-tunes its infection tactics

Disease-causing microbes have evolved sophisticated strategies for invading the body, flourishing in often hostile environments and evading immune defenses. In a new study, Professor Cheryl Nickerson, her Arizona State University ...

Some CRISPR screens may be missing cancer drug targets

CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing has made possible a multitude of biomedical experiments, including studies that systematically turn off genes in cancer cells to look for ones that the cancer cells heavily depend on to survive and ...