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Glitch in protein synthesis could affect tumor growth

During protein synthesis, or translation, genetic information transcribed in the cell's mRNA directs the stringing together of amino acids—the building blocks of proteins. As the translation machinery carouses along the ...

How context-specific factors control gene activity

Every cell in our body contains the same DNA, yet liver cells are different from brain cells, and skin cells differ from muscle cells. What determines these differences? It all comes down to gene regulation; essentially how ...

Making sense of crime scene DNA patterns

Piecing together the evidence to accurately replicate the movements of a culprit at a crime scene is becoming a more exact science, with new investigations by Flinders University and other experts on various DNA transfer ...

Study reveals new female-determining pathway in turtles

In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a research group led by Prof. Du Weiguo from the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has revealed that the transcription factor ...

Monoclonal antibody neutralizes numerous COVID-19 variants

A monoclonal antibody appears effective at neutralizing the numerous variants of SARS-CoV-2, as well as related viruses in animals that could pose a threat if they were to begin spreading in people. The antibody, called SC27, ...

More news

Molecular & Computational biology
Elevating analysis of genomic data with advanced mathematical techniques
Molecular & Computational biology
AI meets biophysics: New approach identifies critical interaction points in cancer-related proteins
Cell & Microbiology
New mRNA and gene editing tools offer hope for dengue virus treatment
Cell & Microbiology
Decoding the language of cells with the power of proteomics
Researchers develop molecular biosensors that only light up upon binding to their targets
Cell & Microbiology
Cohesion at the cellular level is flexible yet stable, study shows
Cell & Microbiology
Algorithm maps protein degradation patterns to improve infection diagnosis and treatment
Plants & Animals
Regulatory gene influences shape recognition in medaka fish, scientists discover
Plants & Animals
Plant scientists link phospholipid sensing with control of gene expression
Molecular & Computational biology
Q&A: How single-cell and spatial proteomics reveal proteins' nuanced roles in health and disease
Plants & Animals
Angiosperms study provides insights into genome evolution after whole-genome duplications
Cell & Microbiology
Fungal spores of the mold Aspergillus fumigatus produce an enzyme that weakens the immune system
Cell & Microbiology
Researcher helps develop new technique to explore oceanic microbes
Genomic analyses of prairie chickens cast doubt on species classifications
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists use AI to unlock protein structures of hundreds of viruses for the first time
Molecular & Computational biology
Chemists explain why dinosaur collagen may have survived for millions of years
Agriculture accelerated human genome evolution to capture energy from starchy foods, study suggests
Cell & Microbiology
Brazilian researchers discover key gene regulating virulence of fungus that causes severe lung infections
Molecular & Computational biology
Researchers find genetic variant for speed of hair graying, susceptibility to skin melanoma in horses
Novel software tool enables quality control independent of omics molecular types and can be used on multiple platforms

Other news

Optics & Photonics
Scientists prove long-standing wave amplification theory
Quantum Physics
X-rays from atomic systems could reveal new clues about rival quantum theories
Sweeping global study charts a path forward for climate-resilient agriculture
Archaeologists challenge theory of violent Steppe invasion in Iberia Peninsula
Analytical Chemistry
Chemical chameleon reveals novel pathway for separating rare-earth metals
AI boosts indoor food production's energy sustainability
Planetary Sciences
Formation of super-Earths proven limited near metal-poor stars
Plants & Animals
Genetic analysis reveals new giant fanged frog species in Philippines that is nearly identical to even larger species
Unraveling the fundamental principles of eutectic solidification with real-time, nanoscale imaging
Open-source software helps streamline 2D materials research with scanning tunneling microscope automation
Mathematical modeling explores the statistical mysteries of successfully scheduling a meeting
New observations shed more light on the nature of a millisecond pulsar binary
Earth Sciences
Most detailed study yet of seismic activity links fault strength to likelihood of large earthquakes
Quantum Physics
Fluctuating hydrodynamics theory could describe chaotic many-body systems, study suggests
Analytical Chemistry
Study sheds light on CO₂ absorption mechanism of cement-based materials
Earth Sciences
Iron was life's 'primeval' metal, say scientists
Air pollution exposure in infancy may limit economic mobility in adulthood
Earth Sciences
Global study shows that most cities receive more rainfall than surrounding rural areas
Social Sciences
Psychology study offers messaging roadmap for changing attitudes on environmental issues and policies
Plants & Animals
Cattle grazing by Maasai not harmful to national park, research argues

New CRISPR tool orchestrates antiviral defense within cells

The rise of RNA viruses like SARS-CoV-2 highlights the need for new ways to fight them. RNA-targeting tools like CRISPR/Cas13 are powerful but inefficient in the cytoplasm of cells, where many RNA viruses replicate.

Scientists discover first nitrogen-fixing organelle

Modern biology textbooks assert that only bacteria can take nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it into a form that is usable for life. Plants that fix nitrogen, such as legumes, do so by harboring symbiotic bacteria ...

New study reveals novel approach for combating 'resting' bacteria

Most disease-causing bacteria are known for their speed: In mere minutes, they can double their population, quickly making a person sick. But just as dangerous as this rapid growth can be a bacterium's resting state, which ...

Ant pheromones may help protect hikers and campers from ticks

If you're outside enjoying the spring sunshine, then chances are, ticks are too. However, new research from Simon Fraser University (SFU) suggests the use of ant pheromones as a topical repellent, or as an environmental barrier, ...

What do bird dreams sound like?

For more than 20 years, researchers have known that areas of birds' brains dedicated to singing show neural patterns during sleep akin to the ones they use while awake and singing.