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Team develops gene editing strategy for macroalgae Neopyropia

Neopyropia is an important economic macroalga and is one of the main macroalgae cultivation species in China, Japan, South Korea and other countries. As a critical juncture in the evolution of photosynthetic organisms, red ...

How plants keep viruses from passing to their progeny

Scientists have learned how plants keep viruses from being passed to their offspring, a finding that could ensure healthier crops. The discovery could also help reduce the transmission of diseases from mothers to human children.

Unraveling the conservation conundrum of China's native Jacktree

The Jacktree (Sinojackia xylocarpa), native to China, is renowned for its unique spindle-shaped fruits and ornamental appeal. However, its survival is threatened by factors such as limited population size, fragmented habitats, ...

Research boosts understanding of sorghum's pest resistance

Husker scientists have identified a key plant hormone that strengthens sorghum self-protection against the threat of the sugarcane aphid. The project is part of the university's wide-ranging, multidisciplinary work to advance ...

More news

Soil footprint: A simple indicator of a crop's impact on soil erosion
Plants & Animals
Scientists discover nonstomatal control of water loss in critical crops
Plants get a GMO glow-up: Genetically modified varieties coming out of the lab and into homes and gardens
America's dairy farms are disappearing, down 95% since the 1970s—milk price rules are one reason why
Cell & Microbiology
Research points to a potential new ally in the fight against plant pathogens
Scientists develop super golden lettuce that's richer in vitamin A
Molecular & Computational biology
Rapid diagnostics tool deployed to monitor wheat rust in Nepal
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists use egg yolk to stabilize paprika oleoresin
Molecular & Computational biology
Researchers identify novel approach to minimize nitrogen loss in crops
Edible insects show promise as sustainable nutritional source
The promise of summer wheat in Zimbabwe
Temperature fluctuations found to mar fish quality of large yellow croaker
Powered by renewable energy, microbes turn COâ‚‚ into protein and vitamins
Soil nutrient levels associated with suppression of banana Fusarium wilt disease
The legacy of corn nitrogen fertilizer: Study shows lengthy impact in tile drained systems
Researchers improve strawberry cultivation with machine learning
Plants can grow in near-darkness, new research shows—here are three promising benefits
Future foods: How non-thermal tech could transform starch consumption
Plants & Animals
Exploring how alternative splicing influences plant secondary metabolism
'Historic': Bad weather slashes wine harvest in France's Jura

Other news

Quantum Physics
Even the heaviest particles experience the usual quantum weirdness, new experiment shows
Plants & Animals
'Pirate birds' force other seabirds to regurgitate fish meals. Their thieving ways could spread lethal avian flu
New biosensor illuminates physiological signals in living animals
Cell & Microbiology
New method developed to relocate misplaced proteins in cells
Earth Sciences
New tool to help decision makers navigate possible futures of the Colorado River
Many people in the Pacific lack access to adequate toilets—and climate change makes things worse
Saturday Citations: Football metaphors in physics; vets treat adorable baby rhino's broken leg
General Physics
Physicist reveals tailwind has negligible effect on cycling speed
General Physics
Scientists propose a new method to search for dark matter using LIGO
Mysterious Pacific Ocean sounds identified as a type of whale—a new AI app helps track them
Plants & Animals
Black garden ants modify the structure of their nests to mitigate fungal infection spread
Observers detect intraday variability of blazar 1ES 1426+42.8
A possible explanation for the 'missing plastic problem': New detection technique finds microplastics in coral skeletons
AI tools help uncover enzyme mechanisms for lasso peptides
Cell & Microbiology
Genome sequence analysis identifies new driver of antimicrobial resistance
Molecular & Computational biology
New data science tool greatly speeds up molecular analysis of our environment
Light momentum turns pure silicon from an indirect to a direct bandgap semiconductor
Planetary Sciences
Citizen science collaboration yields precise data on exoplanet WASP-77 A b
Earth Sciences
Study reveals large ocean heat storage efficiency during the last deglaciation
Bio & Medicine
Recharging mitochondria—nanoflowers offer a new way to simulate energy production to improve aging ailments

Strengthening crop stems: New insights from pepper plant genetics

Stem lodging is a major challenge in agricultural production, especially in crops like peppers with heavy above-ground biomass. Lodging reduces stem strength and stability, severely affecting crop yield and quality.