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Metasurfaces: Tiny tech with big potential

Imagine manipulating light with ultra-thin, flat sheets instead of bulky lenses and mirrors. That's the promise of metasurfaces, a nanostructure technology that can twist and bend light in ways never before possible.

Illuminating the unavoidable imperfections of nanostructures

A new study by a collaborative team from the University of Twente and the e-Science Center in Amsterdam compares the transmission of light through a utopian model with a real 3D nanostructure. These nanostructures are integral ...

Nanoplastics put stress on trees and impair photosynthesis

It is well known that more and more plastic waste is ending up in soil and bodies of water. Researchers are particularly concerned about tiny micro- and nano-sized particles. It remains unclear how and to what extent they ...

More news

New technique shows promise for mass fabricating an exotic quasi-1D material
Manganese nanoparticles can more than double availability of world's potable water, say scientists
Researchers develop high-entropy non-covalent cyclic peptide glass for smart functional materials
New varactor enhances quantum dot device measurements at millikelvin temperatures
A leap forward in nanotechnology: Growing special micro-crystals for better devices
Bio & Medicine
For first time, DNA tech offers both data storage and computing functions
Advancing nanoscale imaging capabilities with dynamic nuclear polarization
High speed, large-area deposition nanofilm production possible with new technique
World's first micromachine twists 2D materials at will
A world first: Qubit coherence decay traced to thermal dissipation
Low-cost flexible metasurfaces to increase the efficiency of optoelectronic devices
Twisted molecular wires exhibit high single-molecule conductance
Quality control: Neatly arranging crystal growth to make fine thin films
New computational methodology to predict the complex formation of interesting nanostructures
Morphable materials: Researchers coax nanoparticles to reconfigure themselves
Bio & Medicine
Researchers develop nanoparticle array implantation for sensitive and reusable detection
Unveiling the power of hot carriers in plasmonic nanostructures
Team develops method for control over single-molecule photoswitching
Bio & Medicine
Method to separate microplastics from water could also speed up blood analyses
Scientists create material that can take the temperature of nanoscale objects

Other news

Planetary Sciences
Researchers prove 120-million-year-old volcanism on moon
How fish guts might play a role in future skin care products
Bat population collapse linked to increased pesticide use and more than 1,000 infant deaths
Optics & Photonics
A window into the body: New technique makes skin invisible
Virtual learning linked to rise in chronic absenteeism, study finds
Analytical Chemistry
Novel design strategy advances discovery of metal-organic frameworks
Researchers develop molecular biosensors that only light up upon binding to their targets
Cell & Microbiology
Algorithm maps protein degradation patterns to improve infection diagnosis and treatment
General Physics
First detection of cross-correlation between cosmic shear and X-ray background enhances baryonic matter understanding
Analytical Chemistry
Chemists create industrially important alkyl amines from dinitrogen and alkenes
New filter removes chemical contaminants from water even at very low concentrations
Analytical Chemistry
Probing the depths of complex electron shells: New insights into uranium's tricky chemistry
Space Exploration
Small, harmless asteroid burns up in Earth's atmosphere over the Philippines
Cell & Microbiology
Labs collaborate to enhance imaging tools for cell observation
Plants & Animals
Northern elephant seals use deep-sea research sonar as dinner bell
Optics & Photonics
Novel metasurface enables temperature-adaptive radiative cooling
A space oddity—small exoplanet challenges existing theories on planet formation
Condensed Matter
Adding an alternating magnetic field to layers of twisted graphene creates even more exotic properties
Replacement crop treatment not safe for important pollinator, experts say
Planetary Sciences
Astronomers discover iron winds on an ultra-hot exoplanet

New research examines corrosion on atomic level

When water vapor meets metal, the resulting corrosion can lead to mechanical problems that harm a machine's performance. Through a process called passivation, it also can form a thin inert layer that acts as a barrier against ...