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Decoding the language of cells with the power of proteomics

Hundreds of millions of years ago, single cells joined forces to become multicellular organisms. At the foundation of this multicellular world is the cell surface: the plasma membrane surrounding each cell, where individual ...

Labs collaborate to enhance imaging tools for cell observation

Two labs at the University of Utah's Department of Chemistry joined forces to improve imaging tools that may soon enable scientists to better observe signaling in functioning cells and other molecular-scale processes central ...

The microbiology of food spoilage in your refrigerator

Anyone who has ever lost track of some bread, produce or leftovers, and later returned to observe that nature has run its course, has experience using the five senses (eyes, nose, [hopefully less often] taste buds and even ...

Staph's Achilles' heel may hinge on its choice of food

Staphylococcus aureus—aka staph—is among the most extensively studied human pathogens. Unfortunately, that knowledge hasn't made staph infections any easier to treat, particularly in the lungs.

Computer model boosts detection of cell-to-cell communication

A computer model developed by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers significantly enhances the ability of scientists to detect communication between cells, according to a new study published in Nature Methods.

More news

Plants & Animals
New knowledge about a fungus that turns 60–80% of the flies in your home into zombies
Cell & Microbiology
Drosophila study discovers mechanism that could control longevity, cancer cell production
Cell & Microbiology
Preventing cell damage: Working principle of proton-activated chloride channels revealed
Cell & Microbiology
Unveiling the molecular mechanisms linking aging with neurodegenerative diseases
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists reveal mechanism of maternal protein Pramel15 in promoting DNA demethylation in mouse zygotes
Cell & Microbiology
Human mouth bacteria reproduce through rare form of cell division, research reveals
Cell & Microbiology
New discovery of how bacteria navigate their environment could change how we treat infection
Cell & Microbiology
Cytophysics: How cells migrate through gaps smaller than their nucleus
Cell & Microbiology
Cells use alternative splicing to regulate gene expression, research suggests
Cell & Microbiology
Promising antibiotic candidates discovered in microbes deep in the Arctic Sea
Cell & Microbiology
AI tool maps out cell metabolism with precision
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists discover molecular mechanism that plays key role in gene transcription and macrophage functional activation
Cell & Microbiology
Enhancing microbe memory to better upcycle excess CO₂
Cell & Microbiology
Light-activated polymerization methods unlock new possibilities for intracellular applications
Tuberculosis under the sea: A marine sponge microbe provides insights into the bacterium's evolution
Cell & Microbiology
What's in the foods we eat? Researchers develop a food microbiome database
Cell & Microbiology
Bacteria able to overcome cost of vancomycin resistance in lab setting
Cell & Microbiology
Machine-learning models can predict colonization outcomes of complex microbial communities
Cell & Microbiology
Bacterial defense strategy has potential application in genome editing
Cell & Microbiology
Can fungi turn food waste into the next culinary sensation?

Other news

Planetary Sciences
NASA's Hubble, MAVEN help solve the mystery of Mars's escaping water
Molecular & Computational biology
AI meets biophysics: New approach identifies critical interaction points in cancer-related proteins
Planetary Sciences
Study shows how amateur astronomers can aid in Jupiter weather monitoring
Gravitational waves unveil previously unseen properties of neutron stars
Bio & Medicine
Space-based experiments could help to advance early cancer detection through blood tests
Plants & Animals
Guardians of the reef: How parrotfish promote coral health
Researchers examine how drought and water volume affect nutrients in Apalachicola river
Plants & Animals
Chickadee research finds cognitive skills impact lifespan
Condensed Matter
Nuclear fuel experiment demonstrates how liquid plutonium oxide behaves at the hottest temperatures
The Roman siege of Masada lasted just a few weeks, not several years, say archaeologists
Bio & Medicine
Nature-based filtration material could remove long-lasting chemicals from water
Space Exploration
Spacecraft flies closer to Mercury than planned after thruster glitch
Optics & Photonics
A window into the body: New technique makes skin invisible
Plants & Animals
Researchers rewrite termite classification system
How fish guts might play a role in future skin care products
Planetary Sciences
Researchers prove 120-million-year-old volcanism on moon
General Physics
First detection of cross-correlation between cosmic shear and X-ray background enhances baryonic matter understanding
Bat population collapse linked to increased pesticide use and more than 1,000 infant deaths
Researchers develop molecular biosensors that only light up upon binding to their targets
Virtual learning linked to rise in chronic absenteeism, study finds

First wireless map of worm's nervous system revealed

Researchers have built the first ever map showing how every single neuron in the nervous system of a tiny worm communicates wirelessly. This huge step forward in understanding how neurons communicate through extremely short ...

Researchers can now visualize osmotic pressure in living tissue

In order to survive, organisms must control the pressure inside them, from the single-cell level to tissues and organs. Measuring these pressures in living cells and tissues in physiological conditions is a challenge.

Stem cell research paves way toward regenerating skeletal muscle

Researchers at the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCLA are one step closer to developing stem cell therapies to regenerate skeletal muscle in humans. Working in mice, the UCLA ...

A known environmental hazard can change the epigenetics of cells

Epigenetics, the chemical mechanisms that control the activity of genes, allows our cells, tissues and organs to adapt to the changing circumstances of the environment around us. This advantage can become a drawback, though, ...