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Some CRISPR screens may be missing cancer drug targets

CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing has made possible a multitude of biomedical experiments, including studies that systematically turn off genes in cancer cells to look for ones that the cancer cells heavily depend on to survive and ...

Improving soil health yields unexpected benefits for farmers

In the U.S., as farmers wrestle with extreme heat and drought, heavy rainfall and flooding, and erosion—all factors of climate change which can take a toll on crops—there's been a lot of buzz over regenerative agriculture ...

Researchers map genome of the last living wild horse species

University of Minnesota researchers have successfully mapped the complete genome of the endangered Przewalski's horse. Once extinct in the wild, the species now has a population of around 2,000 animals thanks to conservation ...

AI enables faster, more effective antibiotic treatment of sepsis

Sepsis is a life-threatening infection complication and accounts for 1.7 million hospitalizations and 350,000 deaths annually in the U.S. Fast and accurate diagnosis is critical, as mortality risk increases up to 8% every ...

More news

Plants & Animals
Why some plant diseases thrive in urban environments
Plants & Animals
Climate change impacts vary among tree species within the same habitat, finds study
Study reveals shifting landscape and driving forces in China's forest-grassland transition zone
New method helps to study diurnal variation of leaf stomatal response of tropical trees
Plants & Animals
How do cicadas make their signature sound, so eerie and amazingly loud?
Eggs of grapevine-gobbling insect discovered en route to California: Are vineyards at risk?
Paleontology & Fossils
You can help name LA's newest dinosaur fossil?
Plants & Animals
Survey shows decline in North Dakota breeding duck numbers
Plants & Animals
Makah Tribe will again be allowed to hunt gray whales off Washington coast
Resistant breeding lines for leafminer, corky root and downy mildew in lettuce
Molecular & Computational biology
Genomic insights into the tea gray geometrid's survival strategy
Molecular & Computational biology
Study explores how key gene modulates terpene aroma in grapes
North Macedonia's beekeepers face climate change challenge
Cell & Microbiology
Permanent gene edits to tardigrades help shed light on their amazing resilience
Molecular & Computational biology
Sweaty cattle may boost food security in a warming world
Cell & Microbiology
Research reveals plant pathogens repurpose phage elements for bacterial warfare
Plants & Animals
Engineered plants produce human milk sugars that could lead to healthier baby formula
Molecular & Computational biology
New method enables fast crystal structure analysis of intrinsically disordered proteins
Giant deep-sea vent tubeworm symbionts use two carbon fixation pathways to grow at record speeds
Plants & Animals
New road lights, fewer dead insects—insect-friendly lighting successfully tested

Other news

Saturday Citations: Bacterial warfare, a self-programming language model, passive cooling in the big city
Analytical Chemistry
Novel photocatalyst enables efficient ester reduction with blue light
Quantum Physics
Physicists confirm quantum entanglement persists between top quarks, the heaviest known fundamental particles
High-speed baby stars circle the supermassive black hole Sgr A* like a swarm of bees
Planetary Sciences
Astronomers discover an Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting a nearby ultracool dwarf star
Condensed Matter
Exploring the origin of polaron formation in halide perovskites
General Physics
Quantum entangled photons react to Earth's spin
Plasma Physics
25 years of massive fusion energy experiment data open on the 'cloud' and available to everyone
Planetary Sciences
Quebec lake meteorite impact yields rare rocks and evidence of extreme heat
Earth Sciences
Q&A: Barrier islands and dunes protect coastlines, but how are environmental changes affecting them and adjacent land?
Study emphasizes trade-offs between arresting groundwater depletion and food security
Researchers harvest acid from seawater to feed beneficial algae
Analytical Chemistry
New photocatalytic COFs mimic photosynthesis for H₂O₂ production
Condensed Matter
Making ferromagnets ready for ultra-fast communication and computation technology
Condensed Matter
New approach to identifying altermagnetic materials
New method links graphene nanolayers for tougher, elastic films
Bio & Medicine
Self-assembling and disassembling swarm molecular robots via DNA molecular controller
High-precision measurements challenge our understanding of Cepheids
Earth Sciences
Uncovering the prolonged cooling events of the Holocene
Plasma Physics
Pair plasmas found in deep space can now be generated in the lab

Wild bumblebees are capable of logical reasoning, study finds

Wild bumblebees are capable of logical reasoning, new research by a University of Stirling psychologist has found. The pioneering study tasked bees with spontaneously finding corresponding sugar-coated strips of paper. The ...

Summer slumber: How seeds go dormant to combat harsh conditions

Plants are highly versatile organisms that have developed remarkable strategies to adapt to different environments. One such strategy is seed dormancy, an adaptation that temporally prevents viable seeds from germinating ...

Researchers discover honeybees can detect lung cancer

Michigan State University researchers have discovered that honeybees can detect biomarkers or chemical concentrations associated with lung cancer in human breath. The researchers have also shown that the honeybees can distinguish ...

Paleontologists identify a new fossil fish genus

Gobies or Gobioidei are one of the most species-rich groups of marine and freshwater fish in Europe. Spending most of their lives on the bottom of shallow waterbodies, they make substantial contributions to the functioning ...

New simplified DNA model for advanced computational simulations

DNA is the molecule that contains all the genetic information necessary for the development and functioning of living organisms. It is organized in a structure called "chromatin," which is found inside the nucleus of cells. ...