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Neutrons open window to explore space glass

Thanks to human ingenuity and zero gravity, we reap important benefits from science in space. Consider smart phones with built-in navigation systems and cameras.

Physicists propose path to faster, more flexible robots

In a May 15 paper released in the journal Physical Review Letters, Virginia Tech physicists revealed a microscopic phenomenon that could greatly improve the performance of soft devices, such as agile flexible robots or microscopic ...

Simulating diffusion using 'kinosons' and machine learning

Researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have recast diffusion in multicomponent alloys as a sum of individual contributions, called "kinosons." Using machine learning to compute the statistical distribution ...

Physicists create five-lane superhighway for electrons

MIT physicists and colleagues have created a five-lane superhighway for electrons that could allow ultra-efficient electronics and more. The work, reported in the May 9 issue of Science, is one of several important discoveries ...

New method unravels the mystery of slow electrons

Slow electrons are used in cancer therapy as well as in microelectronics. It is very hard to observe how they behave in solids. But scientists at TU Wien have made this possible.

More news

Condensed Matter
Stable magnetic bundles achieved at room temperature and zero magnetic field
Condensed Matter
Transforming common soft magnets into next-generation thermoelectric conversion materials with 3-minute heat treatment
Condensed Matter
Scientists demonstrate the potential of electron spin to transmit quantum information
General Physics
New phononics materials may lead to smaller, more powerful wireless devices
Condensed Matter
Topological phonons: Where vibrations find their twist
Condensed Matter
Alternating triangular charge density wave domains observed within a layered superconducting compound
Condensed Matter
New study reveals phonon properties of β-MoB₂ single crystal
Condensed Matter
Study sheds light on the origin of elasticity in glasses and gels
Condensed Matter
Strictly no dancing: Researchers discover 'new molecular design rules'
Condensed Matter
Fundamental and photodetector application of van der Waals Schottky junctions
Condensed Matter
New super-pure silicon chip opens path to powerful quantum computers
Condensed Matter
When injecting pure spin into chiral materials, direction matters
Condensed Matter
Physicists pioneer new quantum sensing platform
Condensed Matter
Physicists arrange atoms in close proximity, paving way for exploring exotic states of matter
Condensed Matter
Good vibrations: Low-energy lasers induce atomic excitation in semiconductor materials
Condensed Matter
Researchers find unexpected roadblock to conductivity in Mott insulators
Condensed Matter
Research demonstrates high qubit control fidelity and uniformity in single-electron control
Condensed Matter
Physicists discover new way to make strange metal
Condensed Matter
Topologically controlled multiskyrmions: Researchers propose a new family of quasiparticles
Condensed Matter
Hydride research pushes frontiers of practical, accessible superconductivity

Other news

Political science
Study shows COVID-related private funding had little effect in 2020 presidential election
Researchers find unique adaptations of fungus associated with bee bread
Earth Sciences
Highly sensitive fiber optic gyroscope senses rotational ground motion around active volcano
Earth Sciences
'Dusty' archives inspire new story about 1886 Charleston earthquake
Study finds widespread 'cell cannibalism' and related phenomena across tree of life
Analytical Chemistry
New catalyst transforms carbon dioxide from industrial emissions into commonly used chemicals
Researchers use hydrogel chemistry and microfabrication to miniaturize and integrate components into bioelectronics
Plants & Animals
Detecting odors on the edge: Researchers decipher how insects smell more with less
Tracking down toxic metals from tobacco smoke
New crystal production method could enhance quantum computers and electronics
Researchers succeed for first time in accurately dating a 7,000-year-old prehistoric settlement using cosmic rays
Body lice may be bigger plague spreaders than previously thought
Conservation of 'Nature's Strongholds' needed to halt biodiversity loss, say researchers
Analytical Chemistry
Researchers introduce programmable materials to help heal broken bones
Math discovery provides new method to study cell activity, aging
Costly gas separation may not be needed to recycle CO₂ from air and industrial plants
Plants & Animals
Rise in sea urchins and related damage to kelp forests impacts Oregon's gray whales and their food, study finds
Planetary Sciences
Peering into Pluto's ocean using mathematical models and images from the New Horizons spacecraft
Plants & Animals
How plants choose their mates and repel other suitors
Observations investigate properties of nearby brown dwarf HD 33632 Ab

A shade closer to more efficient organic photovoltaics

Transparent solar cells will transform the look of infrastructure by enabling many more surfaces to become solar panels. Now, materials called non-fullerene acceptors that can intrinsically generate charges when exposed to ...