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New method links graphene nanolayers for tougher, elastic films

Layers of carbon atoms in a honeycomb array are a true supermaterial: their unusually high conductivity and favorable mechanical properties could further the development of bendable electronics, new batteries, and innovative ...

Nanowires create elite warriors to enhance T cell therapy

Adoptive T-cell therapy has revolutionized medicine. A patient's T-cells—a type of white blood cell that is part of the body's immune system—are extracted and modified in a lab and then infused back into the body, to ...

Switching nanomagnets using infrared lasers

When molecules are irradiated with infrared light, they begin to vibrate due to the energy supply. For Andreas Hauser from the Institute of Experimental Physics at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), this well-known ...

Researchers demonstrate new way to 'squeeze' infrared light

Researchers have for the first time demonstrated that a specific class of oxide membranes can confine, or "squeeze," infrared light—a finding that holds promise for next generation infrared imaging technologies. The thin-film ...

More news

Scientists develop fatigue-free ferroelectric material
Bio & Medicine
Better farming through nanotechnology: An argument for applying medical insights to agriculture
Unlocking the transformative potential of 2D materials to advance next-generation electronics
Researchers' crystal engineering modifies 2D metal halide perovskites into 1D nanowires
Gold nanoparticles that selectively emit left- or right-handed light
Safer, cheaper, more flexible battery invented for wearable tech
Towards next-gen functional materials: Nanotube crystal enables direct observation of electron transfer in solids
New catalyst brings commercial high-efficiency zinc-air batteries closer to reality
Study reveals reversible assembly of platinum catalyst
Bio & Medicine
Enhancing nanofibrous acoustic energy harvesters with AI
New momentum-space polarization filters enable high signal-to-noise ratio nano imaging
A 20-year-old puzzle solved: Researchers reveal the 'three-dimensional vortex' of zero-dimensional ferroelectrics
Nasty pollutant shown to be the missing ingredient for carbon nanotube films for touchscreens and solar cells
Bio & Medicine
A nanomaterial one-two punch quickly heals wounds in diabetic animal model
Novel neural network framework advances large-scale simulations of zeolites
Researchers use AI to accelerate the chase for safer, better batteries
A review of progress and outlook for photodetectors based on graphene–semiconductor hybrid structures
Scientists create the thinnest lens on Earth, enabled by excitons
Controlling ion transport for a blue energy future: Research highlights the potential of nanopore membranes
Nanoscale engineering brings light-twisting materials to more extreme settings

Other news

Saturday Citations: Bacterial warfare, a self-programming language model, passive cooling in the big city
Some CRISPR screens may be missing cancer drug targets
Analytical Chemistry
Novel photocatalyst enables efficient ester reduction with blue light
Quantum Physics
Physicists confirm quantum entanglement persists between top quarks, the heaviest known fundamental particles
High-speed baby stars circle the supermassive black hole Sgr A* like a swarm of bees
Planetary Sciences
Astronomers discover an Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting a nearby ultracool dwarf star
Study on architecture of heart offers new understanding of human evolution
Condensed Matter
Exploring the origin of polaron formation in halide perovskites
General Physics
Quantum entangled photons react to Earth's spin
Plasma Physics
25 years of massive fusion energy experiment data open on the 'cloud' and available to everyone
Plants & Animals
Researchers map genome of the last living wild horse species
Planetary Sciences
Quebec lake meteorite impact yields rare rocks and evidence of extreme heat
Cell & Microbiology
A new weapon in the battle against antibiotic resistance: Temperature
Sharks have depleted functional diversity compared to the last 66 million years, study finds
Earth Sciences
Q&A: Barrier islands and dunes protect coastlines, but how are environmental changes affecting them and adjacent land?
Novel insights into fluorescent 'dark states' illuminate ways forward for improved imaging
Study emphasizes trade-offs between arresting groundwater depletion and food security
Researchers harvest acid from seawater to feed beneficial algae
Plants & Animals
Tiny New Zealand bird delivers a lesson in birdsong evolution
Analytical Chemistry
New photocatalytic COFs mimic photosynthesis for H₂O₂ production