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Seabirds are threatened by trawl fisheries, study finds

Seabirds are among the most threatened creatures globally, often due to incidental mortality (bycatch) in fisheries. Several hundreds of thousands of seabirds are thought to be killed worldwide each year by two of the three ...

Research shows the ocean is becoming too loud for oysters

Baby oysters rely on natural acoustic cues to settle in specific environments, but new research from the University of Adelaide reveals that noise from human activity is interfering with this critical process.

The unintended consequences of success against malaria

For decades, insecticide-treated bed nets and indoor insecticide spraying regimens have been important—and widely successful—treatments against mosquitoes that transmit malaria, a dangerous global disease. Yet for a time, ...

Study shows egg-laying mammals are unique, inside and out

The identification of a key gene in monotremes has increased our understanding of why the stomachs of platypuses and echidnas are atypically small, non-acidic, and, in the instance of platypuses, lack a pyloric sphincter.

More news

Plants & Animals
Cocaine found in muscle and liver of sharpnose sharks off coast of Rio de Janeiro
Plants & Animals
Heat-sensitive trees moving uphill due to rising temperatures, study finds
Plants & Animals
Fruit fly post-mating behavior controlled by male-derived peptide via command neurons, finds study
Plants & Animals
Smell of human stress can affect dogs' emotions, leading them to make more pessimistic choices
Plants & Animals
Chimpanzees gesture back and forth quickly like in human conversations, researchers find
Plants & Animals
Biologists discover male elephants use infrasonic rumbles to signal 'let's go'
Plants & Animals
Genetic breeding offers new method for mosquito population control
Plants & Animals
Sustainable management and regeneration of endangered Senegalia venosa needed in Ethiopia, says study
Plants & Animals
Ecologists discover rare fiddler crab species on Hong Kong coast
Plants & Animals
Transient structure in fly leg holds clue to insect shape formation
Plants & Animals
Bugs thrive in urban Los Angeles—volunteers' traps reveal biodiversity hot spots for city insects and spiders
Plants & Animals
False stereotypes mean endangered animals are being protected in the wrong places, say researchers
Plants & Animals
Researchers work to change perception of weeds in Georgia
Plants & Animals
Q&A with entomologist: Fewer bees and other pollinating insects lead to shrinking crops
Plants & Animals
Invasive species discovered in Colorado River is capable of wiping out ecosystems, causing costly damage
Plants & Animals
Stepping stones for wildlife: How linking up isolated habitats can help nature thrive in our cities
Plants & Animals
Giant millipede was lost to science for 126 years: It's just been found in Madagascar
Plants & Animals
Rhythmic gene expression in plants is crucial for symbiosis with nutrient-providing bacteria, study finds
Plants & Animals
Plan to capture Minnesota elk, establish new herd gains momentum
Plants & Animals
The winner in China's panda diplomacy: the pandas themselves

Other news

Analytical Chemistry
Chemists reveal how Rembrandt combined special pigments for golden details of 'The Night Watch'
Space Exploration
NASA streams first 4K video from aircraft to space station and back
Analytical Chemistry
Researchers discover faster, more energy-efficient way to manufacture industrially important propylene
Earth Sciences
New research underscores the close relationship between Saharan dust and hurricane rainfall
Earth Sciences
Southern Ocean absorbing more CO₂ than previously thought, study finds
Dark matter flies ahead of normal matter in mega galaxy cluster collision
Quantum Physics
An optical lattice clock based on strontium atoms achieves unprecedented accuracy
Planetary Sciences
Webb images nearest super-Jupiter, opening a new window to exoplanet research
Earth Sciences
Net effects of man-made nitrogen attenuate global warming, researchers find
Two additional components of the CC Com system found
General Physics
Study shows elephant trunk dexterity can be mimicked with minimal actuators
New technique detects THC in saliva in minutes with minimal sample
A mixed approach to reforestation is better than planting or regeneration alone, study finds
Warehousing industry found to increase health-harming pollutants, with people of color especially affected
Scientists hijack natural delivery system to send engineered proteins to target cells
'Truly frightening': Pesticides increasingly laced with forever chemicals
Reduce, reuse, reflycle: How genetically modified flies can reduce waste and keep it out of landfills
Paleontology & Fossils
Scientists assess how large dinosaurs could really get
Condensed Matter
Physicists control electronic properties of moiré crystals
Trees reveal climate surprise: Microbes living in bark remove methane from the atmosphere