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Labs collaborate to enhance imaging tools for cell observation

Two labs at the University of Utah's Department of Chemistry joined forces to improve imaging tools that may soon enable scientists to better observe signaling in functioning cells and other molecular-scale processes central ...

Computer model boosts detection of cell-to-cell communication

A computer model developed by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers significantly enhances the ability of scientists to detect communication between cells, according to a new study published in Nature Methods.

Breaking boundaries: PAM-less genome editing in soybean

CRISPR-Cas9 has transformed crop genetic improvement, yet its reliance on specific protospacer adjacent motif (PAM), sequences limits editing scope and efficiency. In soybean, a critical source of protein and oil, these limitations ...

Enhancing microbe memory to better upcycle excess CO₂

While some microbes can make people sick or spoil food, others are critical for survival. These tiny organisms can also be engineered to make specific molecules. Researchers reporting in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ...

More news

Cell & Microbiology
Bacterial defense strategy has potential application in genome editing
Keeping up with the dolphins: Drones give snapshot of pod health
New photoacoustic probes enable deep brain tissue imaging, with potential to report on neuronal activity
Researchers develop near-infrared spectroscopy models to analyze corn kernels and biomass
Formidable yeasts stop microbial contamination in ethanol plants
Closing the RNA loop holds promise for more stable, effective RNA therapies
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists use evolution to bioengineer new pathways to sustainable energy and pharmaceuticals
Cell & Microbiology
Hybrid imaging approach reveals microbes in 3D
Cell & Microbiology
3D-printed living cells pave way for tomorrow's medicine and cruelty-free animal products
How engineered walnuts combat drought through grafting
Cell & Microbiology
The promise of synthetic cells
Cell & Microbiology
Coaxing purple bacteria into becoming bioplastic factories
Researchers discover gene scissors that switch off with a built-in timer
Cell & Microbiology
Novel silica nonwoven fabric scaffold enhances understanding of cell-to-cell interactions
Improving the accuracy of global cropland mapping
Plants & Animals
Squid have tiny teeth in their suckers—scientists could use unique properties to make self-healing materials
Mozambique forest stores huge amounts of carbon: Laser technique puts new value on miombo woodlands
Cell & Microbiology
Bacteria make thermally stable plastics similar to polystyrene and PET for the first time
Study shows continuous manufacturing reduces cultivated meat costs
Pilot study uses recycled glass to grow plants for salsa ingredients

Other news

Cell & Microbiology
Cohesion at the cellular level is flexible yet stable, study shows
The Roman siege of Masada lasted just a few weeks, not several years, say archaeologists
Cell & Microbiology
Team identifies cell structure responsible for heat perception in humans
Space Exploration
Spacecraft flies closer to Mercury than planned after thruster glitch
Plants & Animals
Researchers rewrite termite classification system
How fish guts might play a role in future skin care products
Planetary Sciences
Researchers prove 120-million-year-old volcanism on moon
Bat population collapse linked to increased pesticide use and more than 1,000 infant deaths
Optics & Photonics
A window into the body: New technique makes skin invisible
Virtual learning linked to rise in chronic absenteeism, study finds
General Physics
First detection of cross-correlation between cosmic shear and X-ray background enhances baryonic matter understanding
Analytical Chemistry
Novel design strategy advances discovery of metal-organic frameworks
Cell & Microbiology
Algorithm maps protein degradation patterns to improve infection diagnosis and treatment
Analytical Chemistry
Chemists create industrially important alkyl amines from dinitrogen and alkenes
Space Exploration
Small, harmless asteroid burns up in Earth's atmosphere over the Philippines
New filter removes chemical contaminants from water even at very low concentrations
Analytical Chemistry
Probing the depths of complex electron shells: New insights into uranium's tricky chemistry
3D imaging allows researchers to observe degradation of micro- and nanoplastics with unprecedented detail
Optics & Photonics
Novel metasurface enables temperature-adaptive radiative cooling
Plants & Animals
Northern elephant seals use deep-sea research sonar as dinner bell

Protecting crops through nanotechnology in Southeast Asia

In a recent breakthrough, DNA sequencing technology has uncovered the culprit behind cassava witches' broom disease: the fungus genus Ceratobasidium. The cutting-edge nanopore technology used for this discovery was first ...

Using computer-engineered DNA to study cell identities

All the cells in our body have the same genetic code, and yet they can differ in their identities, functions and disease states. Telling one cell apart from another in a simple manner, in real time, would prove invaluable ...

Scientists 'break the mold' by creating new colors of blue cheese

Experts at the University of Nottingham have discovered how to create different colors of blue cheese. After discovering how the classic blue-green veining is created, a team of experts from the School of Life Sciences, were ...

New technology unscrambles the chatter of microbes

Researchers from University of California San Diego, as part of a large collaboration with scientists around the world, have developed a new search tool to help researchers better understand the metabolism of microorganisms. ...

Microbial division of labor produces higher biofuel yields

Scientists have found a way to boost ethanol production via yeast fermentation, a standard method for converting plant sugars into biofuels. Their approach, detailed in the journal Nature Communications, relies on careful ...

Using agricultural residues for fuel and chemicals

A Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientist is part of a research team shedding new light on how to access the sugars locked up in plant materials in order to convert byproducts into new feedstocks for production ...