Complex networks identify genes for biofuel crops

To improve biofuel production, scientists must understand the fundamental interactions that lead to the expression of key traits in plants and microbes. To understand these interactions, scientists are using different layers ...

Plants fix DNA differently from animals

In mammalian cells, the transcription factor p53 most responsible for healthy growth of the organism. The equivalent in plants is Suppressor Of Gamma Response 1 (SOG1), a factor that does not share a common evolutionary ancestor ...

Scientists improve DNA transfer in gene therapy

Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, cystic fibrosis and many other fatal human diseases are hereditary. Many cancers and cardiovascular diseases are also caused by genetic defects. Gene therapy is a promising possibility ...

Nanoscale platform aims to control protein levels

A nanoscale antibody first found in camels combined with a protein-degrading molecule is an effective new platform to control protein levels in cells, according to Rice University scientists. The technique could aid fundamental ...

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