Researchers identify new mechanism to aid cells under stress

A team of biologists from NYU and Harvard has identified new details in a cellular mechanism that serves as a defense against stress. The findings potentially offer insights into tumor progression and neurodegenerative diseases, ...

Incorporation of DOPA into engineered mussel glue proteins

Mussels can do it, but we haven't been able to: gluing under water. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, a team consisting of Korean, Indian, and Canadian scientists has now introduced a new method that makes it possible to ...

Artificial cells act like the real thing

Imitation, they say, is the sincerest form of flattery, but mimicking the intricate networks and dynamic interactions that are inherent to living cells is difficult to achieve outside the cell. Now, as published in Science, ...

Scientists shed light on how microRNAs repress protein synthesis

( —Scientists from the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research have discovered how microRNAs repress translation of mRNAs. In a structure-function study published in Molecular Cell, they report different ...

Detour leads to antibiotic resistance

Ludwig Maximilian University researchers have used cryo-electron microscopic imaging to characterize the structural alterations in the bacterial ribosome that are required for induction of resistance to the antibiotic erythromycin.

Understanding the initiation of protein synthesis in mammals

( —Protein synthesis, the process by which cells generate new proteins, is the most important cellular function, requiring more than 70 percent of the total energy of a cell. The initiation of this process is the ...

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