Study reveals how ancient fish colonized the deep sea

The deep sea contains more than 90% of the water in our oceans, but only about a third of all fish species. Scientists have long thought the explanation for this was intuitive—shallow ocean waters are warm and full of resources, ...

Discarded Christmas trees, a gift to Stockholm's fish

On a freezing January morning, dozens of discarded Christmas trees collected after the holidays are tossed into Stockholm's glacial waters, recycled to provide a welcoming habitat for marine life.

Deadly invader devastating Venezuelan coral reefs

An ominous shadow in the turquoise Caribbean waters off Venezuela comes from a deadly intruder—a soft coral that experts say has caused one of the most destructive habitat invasions on record anywhere.

What kind of seafood is morally ethical to eat?

Do you like cod, shrimp, salmon, crab or pollock (also known as fish sticks)? Of course you do. Do you shop at Walmart, Costco, Kroger or Albertsons for fish? Who doesn't? Do you eat at one of the more than 400,000 restaurants ...

Ancient DNA pushes herring trade back to the Viking age

Historians have believed extensive herring trade started around the year 1200 AD, later controlled by the Hanseatic League. Now, a new study shows that it was already established in the Viking Age.

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