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What nonverbal cues reveal about online learning and robotics

In today's digital reality, where virtual classrooms are increasingly commonplace, it's essential to know how to make online education as impactful as traditional face-to-face learning. A recent study conducted at Cluster ...

Study finds immediate psychological benefit to churchgoers

Regular weekend attendance to a religious service creates an immediate increase in positive emotions as well as a decrease in negative ones, according to a new study of U.S. adults. Researchers found there was no change in ...

Voting as a social determinant of health

Approximately 244 million Americans will have the opportunity to vote in the 2024 elections. In the 2020 election, an unprecedented 67 percent of those eligible turned out to vote. If turnout reaches that level again, it ...

People in financial distress behave more morally, says study

A new study conducted at Reichman University, in collaboration with Aarhus University in Denmark, challenges the negative stereotypes associated with individuals facing economic hardship. The study, led by Prof. Guy Hochman ...

Simulation study explores how gift giving drives social change

New findings provide quantitative criteria for classifying social organizations in human history, together with potential explanatory variables that can be empirically measured for anthropology, history and archaeology, according ...

How new words arise in social media

The more centrally connected someone is within their social media network, the more likely that new words they use will become adopted into mainstream language, according to a new study published in PLOS Complex Systems by ...

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Going down: A drop in rankings matters more than a rise for organizations, study finds
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Examining experiences of the pandemic requires a more critical eye, says researcher
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Miscategorization fuels discrimination within organizations and workplaces, say researcher
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Poor quality of employment is responsible for UK workers' reliance on foodbanks, study shows
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Researchers: An overhaul of sex education is needed to combat sexual and gender-based violence in schools across England
Researchers propose framework for contextual metadata
Mathematicians model a puzzling breakdown in cooperative behavior
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Warning labels from fact checkers work—even if you don't trust them—says study
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Research reveals huge volume of sports gambling advertising on social media in the US
Study finds program boosts cognitive engagement of students with language and attention difficulties
When is a good time for a child to start music lessons?
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Locking up young people might make people feel safer but it doesn't work, now or in the long term
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Communication helps parent relationships with new college students but has limits
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How strategic litigation for asylum seekers can be effective
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Four-day week may lead to greater satisfaction but workers will face trade-off, expert says
First Nations people are three times more likely to die on the road. Here's how to fix Australia's transport injustice
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Study suggests gun-free zones do not attract mass shootings
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How thinking about death—mortality salience—drives early Halloween shopping and retail trends
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Other news

Cell & Microbiology
Brazilian researchers discover key gene regulating virulence of fungus that causes severe lung infections
Molecular 'cage' approach could advance selective elimination of cancer cells
Agriculture accelerated human genome evolution to capture energy from starchy foods, study suggests
Genomic analyses of prairie chickens cast doubt on species classifications
Webb reveals distorted galaxy forming cosmic question mark
Plants & Animals
At-risk butterflies more likely to survive with human help
Planetary Sciences
Expert explains evidence for planetary formation through gravitational instability
General Physics
Major leap for nuclear clock paves way for ultraprecise timekeeping
Levels of one 'forever chemical' are increasing in groundwater, study finds
Plants & Animals
Birds are shifting more in time than space as they adjust to global warming, shows study
Novel software tool enables quality control independent of omics molecular types and can be used on multiple platforms
Paleontology & Fossils
A tiny relative of the Triceratops: International team discovers a new horned dinosaur
Plants & Animals
Experiment shows dogs are able to remember toy names for up to two years
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists discover stable intermediate of serotonin receptor
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists use AI to unlock protein structures of hundreds of viruses for the first time
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists uncover diverse marine microbes with potential for new antibiotics and plastic breakdown
Uncollected waste and open burning major sources of plastic pollution, global study finds
Experimental evolution study shows how microbial cooperation can emerge
Plasma Physics
Measuring the gamma-ray-to-neutron branching ratio in the deuterium-tritium reaction
Astronomers investigate the nature of a bright low-mass X-ray binary system