Ready (or not) for love? Your friends likely agree

Feeling ready for a committed relationship is a key step in dating. But do your friends agree that you're ready for a long-term relationship? As this week is Valentine's Day, newer couples may be considering just how serious ...

Solutions journalism can spur climate action, study finds

News stories that highlight potential solutions alongside the harsh realities of climate change can spur people to action—as long as the stories empower readers to see their own role in the solution, a new study by University ...

How gender shapes perceptions of safety in urban parking spaces

Multifamily residential buildings with multiple floors are common in South Korea. These buildings usually have pilotis—support structures like pillars that elevate the building, creating an open ground floor generally used ...

Class emerges as a key factor in who gets sent to prison

The incarceration rate of Black Americans has fallen sharply in the 21st century, according to a new study, but the trend has coincided with a rise in imprisonment of white Americans with no college education.

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