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Scientists achieve unprecedented control of active matter

An international research team led by Brandeis University has achieved a major breakthrough in the field of active matter physics, as detailed in a study published this week in Physical Review X. This pioneering research ...

Langbeinites show talents as 3D quantum spin liquids

A 3D quantum spin liquid has been discovered in the vicinity of a member of the langbeinite family. The material's specific crystalline structure and the resulting magnetic interactions induce an unusual behavior that can ...

Scientists characterize shale cap rocks at tiny scales

A team of researchers is working on a multidisciplinary approach to advancing the exploration of shale rock as a suitable geological seal for resource recovery and underground storage. Given that the pore space in shale rock ...

More news

General Physics
Tuning into the frequencies of conical shells: Research reveals a fluid-structure symphony
Soft Matter
Bursting of underwater oil drops: How pollution may remain in water after oil spill cleanups
Soft Matter
Modeling a right royal butterfly effect
Soft Matter
New theory reveals fracture mechanism in soft materials
Soft Matter
Quantum sensors: How does the flow profile affect flow measurements?
Soft Matter
Observing flows at a liquid-liquid-solid intersection
General Physics
Model shows how plankton survive in a turbulent world
Condensed Matter
Thermoelectric effect between two liquid materials observed for the first time
Soft Matter
The unexpected connection between brewing coffee and understanding turbulence
General Physics
Study shows plant hydraulics create streaming electric potential in sync with biological clock
Soft Matter
New study unveils how water dynamics slow down at low temperatures
Soft Matter
Scientists reveal elastic turbulence has more in common with classical Newtonian turbulence than expected
General Physics
New method can create aquatic levitation at much lower temperature, has implications for cooling nuclear reactors
General Physics
Researchers show how to use 'topological tweezers' to control active fluids
Condensed Matter
Artificial nanomagnets inspire mechanical system with memory capability
General Physics
Unlocking the secrets of supercritical fluids: Study offers insights into a hybrid state of matter
Soft Matter
Expanding on the fundamental principles of liquid movement
General Physics
Deep-sea sponge's 'zero-energy' flow control could inspire new energy efficient designs
General Physics
'Dancing' raisins: A simple kitchen experiment reveals how objects can extract energy from their environment
Condensed Matter
Study sheds light on the origin of elasticity in glasses and gels

Other news

Plants & Animals
Mountain chickadees songs provide real-time evidence for Darwin's character displacement theory
Eastern Pacific study highlights severe cold-water bleaching as an additional threat to deep reef ecosystems
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists discover how innate immunity envelops bacteria
Space Exploration
'Party atmosphere': Skygazers treated to another aurora show
Hidden in the teeth: DNA study finds these 19th century lions preyed on humans and giraffes
Plants & Animals
Bat data study reveals conservation priorities in San Diego County
Earth Sciences
Machine learning could improve extreme weather warnings
A quantum material could be the future of high-energy X-ray imaging and particle detection
Condensed Matter
Physicists reveal nonlinear transport induced by quantum geometry in planar altermagnets
Condensed Matter
First ever visualization shows photoexcited charges traveling across the interface of two semiconductor materials
Plants & Animals
Gazing at your dog can connect your brains, research suggests
Plants & Animals
One-third of European plant species could be in trouble due to declining seed disperser populations
Materials Science
New plant-based glitter shows no harm to soil organisms
Cell & Microbiology
Oxidative stress: How protein recycling protects against cell death
Condensed Matter
Scientists use light to visualize magnetic domains in quantum materials
Chemists develop chiral DNA catalysts for asymmetric catalysis
Plants & Animals
Plant stem cells: Understanding the biological mechanism of growth control
Molecular & Computational biology
Intra-molecular distances in biomolecules measured optically with Ångström precision
Optics & Photonics
Harnessing quantum principles: Phased arrays within phased arrays for smarter, greener indoor optical wireless networks
Analytical Chemistry
Study unveils cobalt(III) reaction mechanism with nitriles, opening pathways for drug development

Levitation trick gives drag the slip

Plunging hot spheres into viscous liquids reveals a way to reduce fluid resistance without complex engineering procedures.

Underwater vehicle design inspired by schools of fish

It is easy to speculate why fish might swim in schools—better protection from predators, improved foraging capability, easier fish-to-fish communication. Yet, none of these reveal why fish might move together in a specific ...

New approach to measure fluid drag on the body during swimming

A key factor to improve swimming performance is reducing resistance that water exerts on the moving body. This resistance, known as drag, is influenced by factors including the stroke rate, swimmer's size, and swimming speed. ...

Experts investigate how order emerges from chaos

Igor Kolokolov and Vladimir Lebedev, scientific experts from HSE's Faculty of Physics and the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, have developed an analytical theory binding the structure ...

Role of thrust and drag clarified for swimming microorganisms

For years, B. Ubbo Felderhof, a professor at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Germany's RWTH Aachen University, has explored the mechanisms that fish and microorganisms rely on to propel themselves. Flying birds and ...