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Computer model boosts detection of cell-to-cell communication

A computer model developed by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers significantly enhances the ability of scientists to detect communication between cells, according to a new study published in Nature Methods.

Breaking boundaries: PAM-less genome editing in soybean

CRISPR-Cas9 has transformed crop genetic improvement, yet its reliance on specific protospacer adjacent motif (PAM), sequences limits editing scope and efficiency. In soybean, a critical source of protein and oil, these limitations ...

Enhancing microbe memory to better upcycle excess CO₂

While some microbes can make people sick or spoil food, others are critical for survival. These tiny organisms can also be engineered to make specific molecules. Researchers reporting in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ...

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Hybrid imaging approach reveals microbes in 3D
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3D-printed living cells pave way for tomorrow's medicine and cruelty-free animal products
How engineered walnuts combat drought through grafting
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The promise of synthetic cells
Cell & Microbiology
Coaxing purple bacteria into becoming bioplastic factories
Researchers discover gene scissors that switch off with a built-in timer
Cell & Microbiology
Novel silica nonwoven fabric scaffold enhances understanding of cell-to-cell interactions
Improving the accuracy of global cropland mapping
Plants & Animals
Squid have tiny teeth in their suckers—scientists could use unique properties to make self-healing materials
Mozambique forest stores huge amounts of carbon: Laser technique puts new value on miombo woodlands
Cell & Microbiology
Bacteria make thermally stable plastics similar to polystyrene and PET for the first time
Study shows continuous manufacturing reduces cultivated meat costs
Pilot study uses recycled glass to grow plants for salsa ingredients
Study finds 'DNA scavengers' can stop some antibiotic resistance from spreading
Researchers teach artificial intelligence about frustration in protein folding
Study unveils sustainable solution to vitamin B12 deficiency
Adaptive 3D printing system can pick and place organisms for bioimaging and cryopreservation
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Sea anemone study identifies potentially regenerative stem cells linked to conserved genes
Smart hives and dancing robot bees could boost sustainable beekeeping
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Major leap for nuclear clock paves way for ultraprecise timekeeping
Cell & Microbiology
Staph's Achilles' heel may hinge on its choice of food
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists use AI to unlock protein structures of hundreds of viruses for the first time
Experimental evolution study shows how microbial cooperation can emerge
Uncollected waste and open burning major sources of plastic pollution, global study finds
New population model identifies phases of human dispersal across Europe
Quantum Physics
Quantum error correction research reveals fundamental insights into quantum systems
Plants & Animals
Experiment shows dogs are able to remember toy names for up to two years
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists discover stable intermediate of serotonin receptor
Paleontology & Fossils
A tiny relative of the Triceratops: International team discovers a new horned dinosaur
Bio & Medicine
Team identifies a 'forcefield-like' defense system in solid tumors and the genetic elements that can switch it off
Earth Sciences
Study reveals shifting influence of El Niño on central Asia's rainfall
Plasma Physics
Measuring the gamma-ray-to-neutron branching ratio in the deuterium-tritium reaction
H5N1 avian influenza virus found in multiple bird species in Antarctica
Astronomers investigate the nature of a bright low-mass X-ray binary system
Molecular & Computational biology
Chemists explain why dinosaur collagen may have survived for millions of years
Organic phosphate isotopes method offers a new way to track pollutants in the environment
General Physics
Bridging quantum mechanics and cosmology: The role of the generalized uncertainty principle
Cell & Microbiology
Newly discovered viruses in parasitic nematodes could change our understanding of how they cause disease
Arctic microalgae show photosynthesis in near darkness is possible

High speed protein movies to aid drug design

Researchers from the University of Southampton have developed technology to help scientists observe proteins in motion. Understanding how proteins move will allow novel drugs to be designed.

Yeast uses plastic waste oils to make high-value chemicals

Polyolefins are a type of plastic that is resistant to breaking down. This makes this plastic—a kind found in everything from grocery bags to car bumpers—hard to recycle. In a new study, scientists have discovered a potential ...