France culls over 600,000 poultry in new bird flu outbreak

France has culled 600,000 to 650,000 chickens, ducks and other poultry over the past month, officials said Friday, in a race to contain a bird flu virus threatening to become the fourth major outbreak in the country since ...

Poultry in lockdown after Belgium detects bird flu

Belgium ordered its poultry into lockdown from Monday after detecting a case of bird flu in a wild duck, extending avian quarantine measures already in place in neighbouring countries.

France pledges to end chick culling in 2022

France will outlaw the culling of male chicks in the poultry industry in 2022 after years of protests from animal welfare activists, Agriculture Minister Julien Denormandie said Sunday.

Bird flu detected in Mali

Mali's agriculture ministry said on Tuesday that it had detected outbreaks of bird flu in the West African state and announced precautionary measures to "contain the disease".

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