UK orders all England's poultry kept in to fight bird flu

British authorities said Monday that all poultry and other captive birds in England must be kept indoors from next week after bird flu was detected in dozens of farms across the country, as well as in wild birds.

Bird flu forces egg farm to euthanize 3 million chickens

An outbreak of bird flu that has led to the deaths of 43 million chickens and turkeys this year across the U.S. has been found at a giant egg-laying operation in Ohio, state and federal agriculture officials said Wednesday.

Avian influenza: Past, present, future

Due to the possibility that bird flu viruses could mutate and gain the ability to spread easily between people, avian influenza poses a significant pandemic threat to birds and humans alike. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control ...

Bird flu sweeping through poultry in eastern US

Mass cullings have been implemented as a highly contagious form of avian flu has swept across the eastern half of the United States in recent weeks, killing both farmed poultry and wild birds.

Officials: Avian flu strain at Indiana farm hasn't spread

A strain of avian flu that can cause high mortality rates among birds hasn't spread to neighboring farms since it was confirmed at a commercial turkey farm in southern Indiana, state officials said Thursday.

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