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Cell biology: How mitochondria report stress

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich researchers have discovered the mechanism by which the protein DELE1 detects organelle stress. This offers a possible new approach for treating neurodegenerative diseases.

New function for glucose metabolism enzyme

The function of the glycolytic enzyme hexokinase 1 differs depending on its location within the cell, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Molecular Cell.

Malaria parasite's survival linked to two proteins

Malaria, a mosquito-borne disease, killed more than 620,000 people worldwide in 2020. Jeopardizing the survival of Plasmodium falciparum, the malaria parasite, is one way to control the spread of this deadly disease.

Boosted mitochondrial capacity safeguards cells under stress

According to a team of plant researchers, mitochondria provide unexpected help for cells in a crisis by respiring away harmful substances. The current study produced by the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of Plants ...

Why do mitochondria look like they do?

One of the biggest challenges in biology today is to explain the structure of cristae, the inner membranes of mitochondria. An explanation in this case is a set of principles to predict what form the cristae will take after ...

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