How bringing back lost species revives ecosystems

Scientists often study the grim impacts of losing wildlife to hunting, habitat destruction and climate change. But what happens when endangered animals are brought back from the brink?

Fishing disrupts squaretail grouper mating behavior, study finds

Populations of squaretail grouper face an uncertain future as new research shows fishing that targets their spawning sites is causing males to be repeatedly scared away from their territories during their short mating meetups.

Ancient fish's brain adapted for life on the land

Sophisticated CT scanning of the cranium of a Queensland fish fossil has given new insights to explain how fish first left the water to invade land about 370 million years ago.

River erosion can shape fish evolution, study suggests

If we could rewind the tape of species evolution around the world and play it forward over hundreds of millions of years to the present day, we would see biodiversity clustering around regions of tectonic turmoil. Tectonically ...

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