Stealth swimmers: The fish that hide behind other fish to hunt

A new study provides the first experimental evidence that the trumpetfish, Aulostomus maculatus, can conceal itself by swimming closely behind another fish while hunting—and reduce the likelihood of being detected by its ...

Huge blue whale washes ashore in southern Chile

An enormous blue whale, considered the largest animal on Earth, has washed up onto a beach in southern Chile, probably after dying at sea, local authorities said Sunday.

Water-stressed Iraq dries up fish farms

Iraqi villager Omar Ziad gazes at the cracked and barren earth where his fish farm once stood, lost to water conservation efforts during a devastating four-year drought.

Interesting facts about Southern right whales

During Australia's winter months, Southern right whales can be spotted off the coastline. These whales are traveling north to warmer waters to breed and calve, after spending the summer months feeding in sub-Antarctic waters.

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