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Boosting cannabis production: The science behind bud abundance

Cannabis sativa is highly valued for its cannabinoids, which are primarily produced in female inflorescences. However, the genetic control of inflorescence development remains largely unexplored, posing a significant challenge ...

Whole genome duplications linked to higher oil yields in key crops

Oil crops are pivotal for human nutrition and industry due to their ability to produce and store large amounts of oil in seeds. With the global demand for vegetable oils steadily rising, there is an urgent need to discover ...

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A crop is the annual or season's yield of any plant that is grown in significant quantities to be harvested as food, as livestock fodder, fuel, or for any other economic purpose. This category includes crop species as well as agricultural techniques related to cropping.

There are many types of crops that are used for industrial purposes. For example, crops are grown and harvested for the sole purpose of making profit and feeding people, as they are grown in large amounts in a certain area suitable for growing crops.

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